21 Nov 2022 07:53 PM
Just been comparing broadband speeds from BT, EE and talk talk all seem to provide. A faster speed could some one explain why sky can't if we're all using the same line.
21 Nov 2022 07:59 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more@gazza5568Where are you geting the speed differences from? Is this the advertised speed you are talking about or is the quoted speed when you are looking to sign up?
22 Nov 2022 07:12 AM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more@gazza5568 you are correct the speed any line can deliver is pretty well fixed. If over copper its down tomthe length of the line if over fibre then its the speed you order. Ofcom control the advertising of speeds ISPs can quote which is based on the average speed all of the customers on that service get.
As an example Sky advertise their Superfast service as having a speed of 59Mb/s but if you look at what is exactly the samecservice via their Now brand it is 63Mb/s. As it happens my Sky Superfast line delivers 72Mb/s which is the highest speed a device connected to a Superfast service can get. A friend of mine gets just over 20Mb/s on the same service but his line is around 2km while mine is around 300m to the cabinet.
The only figure that matters is the ninimum speed guaranteed which for me is 65Mb/s which will be there or there abouts for all ISPs using Openreaxh.
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