Discussion topic: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

This message was authored by koopie This message was authored by: koopie

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

On SkyQ the solution was to get audio via an optical cable from the SkyQ box to the soundbar. The HDMI cable was connected to any of the tv inputs. It didn't have to be e-arc. You can get Dolby Digital but not Dolby Atmos with this solution. 
I like the idea of the puck but it doesn't have an optical connection so this forces you down the HDMI/e-arc route and consequently syncing problems.

This message was authored by Zen14 This message was authored by: Zen14

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

Yes I hear what you're saying but my current TV setup is HDMI based and there's no sync problems....with this Sky Stream and the puck there seems to be a more general issue that needs addressing by Sky.

It's not just me complaining.


Having a sync adjustment with wider parameters might do the trick as would the ability to watch a channel whilst actually making the sync delay/advance changes.

This message was authored by FunkyL This message was authored by: FunkyL

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

Syncing problems are only a few months old.  Before that there were no issues even with HDMI.  It does not follow at all (as you imply) that HDMI = sync issues.  This is likely a software thing (hence the frustration from paying customers that Sky are still charging full whack for a service they are not delivering while apparently sitting on the issue)

This message was authored by koopie This message was authored by: koopie

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

The sync issue may be new on the pick but it's been around for years especially since the introduction of arc. Search for sync issues with SkyQ and you'll see zillions of complaints. Basically Sky say there is no problem with SlyQ and it's for the tv makers to fix it. Unsurprisingly the tv makers see it the other way.

This message was authored by MrsRooney This message was authored by: MrsRooney

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

In which case the voice sync issue would also affect Apple TV, Fire TV and Virgin, which from other posts on here is clearly not the case. And remember, the issues here are not just voice sync, but also the periodic and momentary loss of audio signal which is just as annoying.


I am not convinced that this is solely a software issue - my suspicion is that the problem lies with the ability of the puck to reliably send both hdr video and Dolby sound simultaneously via hdmi without running into capacity limitations. I certainly don't see this as a tv problem - it doesn't appear to be either manufacturer or model related at all. And since it is also evident via both ARC and eARC, I doubt that it is related to implementation of either standard.

Interestingly I never experienced either audio sync or dropout issues with Sky Q which worked flawlessly for me. But then I suspect there are inconsistencies introduced by varying consumer setups which just add to the mystery! Part of the problem for Sky is that their hardware/software solutions need to be able to cope with the differences in subscriber hardware and set ups. But if Apple etc can do it, why can't Sky? And since the software is hardly unique, my suspicions are that this is a puck hardware issue.



This message was authored by Littletaffia This message was authored by: Littletaffia

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

@koopie I'm afraid your wrong about ARC. HDMI ARC is capable of passing Dolby Digital Plus and any associated Atmos metadata. Optical is limited to 5.1 Dolby Digital. Both these formats are lossy SD audio. You need eARC is to be able to pass full lossless HD audio and any Atmos metadata attached. No streaming service is currently capable of lossless HD audio which is the preserve of discs.

This message was authored by Mister_Dalek This message was authored by: Mister_Dalek

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

@Littletaffia wrote:

@koopie I'm afraid your wrong about ARC. HDMI ARC is capable of passing Dolby Digital Plus and any associated Atmos metadata. Optical is limited to 5.1 Dolby Digital. Both these formats are lossy SD audio. You need eARC is to be able to pass full lossless HD audio and any Atmos metadata attached. No streaming service is currently capable of lossless HD audio which is the preserve of discs.

Not strictly true. There is one non-disc service which offers lossless audio & higher video bit-rates than streaming...

It's very, very good... and very expensive. 

This message was authored by JohnnieMac1 This message was authored by: JohnnieMac1

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

Have just loaded my Sky Stream for the first time ( July 23rd 24) Have lip sync issues - can anyone help please????

This message was authored by Deedee36 This message was authored by: Deedee36

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@JohnnieMac1  If you read through this thread you will see that this is an issues that sky are currently working on,in the meantime the advice is to set your sound output to pcm

“Trying to help improve sky glass”
This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@JohnnieMac1 This is a very long thread but a short precis is that SKy are aware of the issue and have been working to find a permanent solution for a couple of months.  They recommend as a temporary solution that yiou cnage tour audio settings to PCM or Passthrough (in my case I found that Dolby Digital plus worked for me).

If my post has solved your issue please mark as an "Answer"
If it has helped please give it a "Like"
This message was authored by JohnnieMac1 This message was authored by: JohnnieMac1

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

Thanks Paul - much appreciated, to be honest I'm a tech numpty - so wouldnt know jhow to fix what you are talking about - much appreciated tho!


Why didn't Sky tell me this when I paid them a lot of money yesterday?


This is very poor service, selling a service that does not deliver what it says must be illegal under the trades description act - they knew there was a probelm, but took my money!


This is abhorrent and shows a total disregard for a customer -

This message was authored by MrsRooney This message was authored by: MrsRooney

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

Is it just me, or has this got worse of late? The lip sinc is now way out - watching the BBC coverage of the Olympic tennis the sound of the ball being hit on serve didn't reach my ears until after the ball had been hit by the opposing player. Getting on for a second of delay at times. And the sound drop-outs are now more frequent and for longer - up to three seconds. Films via Sky are particularly badly affected. 

This really is beyond a joke now. 



This message was authored by Mister_Dalek This message was authored by: Mister_Dalek

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

FYI. I've just signed up to Sky Cinema via the NOW app with their new Ultra Boost add-on. All the movies with UHD & Atmos play perfectly in sync on my Samsung TV app and 4K Firestick. Same with HD 5.1 movies too. 
This is 100% an issue with just the Stream puck. 

This message was authored by Littletaffia This message was authored by: Littletaffia

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

I've decided to end my subscription with Sky and send the puck back. Couple of weeks ago I thought that they would address my ongoing problems with HDR and Atmos not being consistent as well as the lip sync issues. Netflix and Prime are unwatchable because of the sync issues. 


After not hearing anything about a replacement puck, which was agreed on a couple of weeks ago, I telephoned the the technical department again. Another issue had risen it's head in that everytime I put the puck into standby it reverts back to 1080 from 2160. Must be an issue with the TV I was told. Nope direct to AVR. Then it's a problem with your AVR. Nope it's your crappy puck.


To top it all $ky will now start charing an extra £6 per month to have an ad free service for Netflix and I believe, I may well be wrong here, that 4K and HDR will also be put behind this pay wall. Final nail in the coffin for me. 

This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

"Synching issues are only a few months old". 

Totally unacceptable. This is not the first time there have been issues with sync on the Pucks. There was a similar issue last year. 

The sync issue was bad a few months ago, and became considerably worse after the last update. The people complaining here do not pay the fees to Sky each month for these types of issues. I don't personally care if there's a workaround. If the software was beta tested properly, these types of issue would be less frequent. 


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