Level 5 Badge

Grow your influence on Sky Community

Get involved to reach higher levels and unlock perks.

On Sky Community, the more you get involved - by taking part in discussions, sharing tips, giving thumbs-up and marking helpful answers - the more points you collect towards achieving higher levels and badges, as well as unlocking access to new features and exclusive boards.

Go beyond just following discussions – join Sky Community, get involved and unlock perks!

How you collect points

You can collect points by taking part in the following activities:
Activity Points you collect
Start a new discussion 1
Reply to a post 2
Give a Like 1
Receive a Like 2
Mark helpful posts as Answers 10
Your post is marked as an Answer 10
Write a News article 10
Comment on a News article 1
Post an Idea 5
Comment on an Idea 1

Points, levels and perks

Points count towards climbing new levels on Sky Community. With new levels, you can unlock exciting perks:
Level Points Perks
Level 0 0 Welcome! By joining Sky Community, you can start climbing levels.
Level 1 1 Upload images and videos from your device to your posts.
Level 2 50 Create your own unique sign off with a custom signature.
Level 3 120 Edit your own posts.
Level 4 240
Level 5 580 Personalise your user avatar (image that represents you in Sky Community).
Level 6 1,050
Level 7 2,000
Level 8 3,180 Style your own user signature, which will appear at the bottom of all your posts.
Level 9 4,500 Unlock the VIP Superuser Lounge, where you can chat with Sky experts, take part in behind-the-scenes research, and get access to exclusive Sky news.
Level 10 6,900
Level 11 10,200
Level 12 15,400 Write News and ‘Did you Know?’ articles.
Level 13 22,600
Level 14 32,000
Level 15 44,000
Level 16 60,000
