Discussion topic: Subtitles onSky Store

This message was authored by JudyArb1102 This message was authored by: JudyArb1102

Subtitles onSky Store

Can anyone please tell me why I am unable to get subtitles on Sky Store purchases? I have just bought on of the new releases and am struggling so much to watch it because it hasn't got the option for subtitles, I am constantly having to adjust the volume, it's really not great! Feels like a total waste of money if I'm honest. If they can show subtitles in the cinema it should be able to be added to new releases, and I have just checked Amazon Prime and they are offering it with subtitles. Thanks.

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This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous Answer

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

Hi @JudyArb1102 , 


Thanks for posting to the Sky Community. Buy & Keep purchases do not currently have subtitles available, but we have been working on adding more subtitled rental content to Sky Store, as well as On Demand in general. I have passed on your feedback with regards to Buy & Keep subtitle availability.


A full list of subtitled rentals in Sky Store can be found here


Kind Regards,

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