Discussion topic: Subtitles onSky Store

This message was authored by JudyArb1102 This message was authored by: JudyArb1102

Subtitles onSky Store

Can anyone please tell me why I am unable to get subtitles on Sky Store purchases? I have just bought on of the new releases and am struggling so much to watch it because it hasn't got the option for subtitles, I am constantly having to adjust the volume, it's really not great! Feels like a total waste of money if I'm honest. If they can show subtitles in the cinema it should be able to be added to new releases, and I have just checked Amazon Prime and they are offering it with subtitles. Thanks.

Best Answers
This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous Answer

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

Hi @JudyArb1102 , 


Thanks for posting to the Sky Community. Buy & Keep purchases do not currently have subtitles available, but we have been working on adding more subtitled rental content to Sky Store, as well as On Demand in general. I have passed on your feedback with regards to Buy & Keep subtitle availability.


A full list of subtitled rentals in Sky Store can be found here


Kind Regards,

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All Replies

This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous Answer

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

Hi @JudyArb1102 , 


Thanks for posting to the Sky Community. Buy & Keep purchases do not currently have subtitles available, but we have been working on adding more subtitled rental content to Sky Store, as well as On Demand in general. I have passed on your feedback with regards to Buy & Keep subtitle availability.


A full list of subtitled rentals in Sky Store can be found here


Kind Regards,

This message was authored by Kirkby1 This message was authored by: Kirkby1

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

Hi I have bought the Joker and Judy on sky store but am unable to watch either as no subtitles. Can I have a refund please. Very poor discrimately service. 

This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

You will have to contact the Sky Store about this @Kirkby1  via the options shown here:



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This message was authored by gillysixpence This message was authored by: gillysixpence

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

I have to agree. I bought The Other's yesterday to watch with my daughter but I missed so much of the dialogue it's ridiculous. It's 2020, we have the DDA in place and Netflix and Prime seem to be able to have subtitles on everything. Why not Sky??  Why is it taking so long here, I've also e-mailed the assesibilty people more than once about this as the downloaded content is also seriously lacking. When I'm paying for box sets etc and downloadable content I expect for my deaf husband and myself to be able to fully enjoy it, and currently it's very hit and miss. 

This message was authored by Theozmatron This message was authored by: Theozmatron

Re: Subtitles onSky Store



sky store rentals don't have subtitles. It's uninclusive and frankly very disappointing. Where can I lodge a complaint against this?

This message was authored by mike+simmonds This message was authored by: mike+simmonds

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @Theozmatron 


There was a post earlier in this thread from @Anonymous which seemed a good attempt to address this 


There is a link here about - how to complain 





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This message was authored by Dissatisfied+0653 This message was authored by: Dissatisfied+0653

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

How ridiculous, no subtitles! When you think about it, it’s us old timers with hearing difficulties that are major subscribers to Sky, **bleep**! How hard  can it be to provide them?

sky, sort yourself!

This message was authored by Patricito This message was authored by: Patricito

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

Sky say they have been looking at the subtitles problem for years now .

Even shows like Peaky Blinders that have subs on BBC do not have them on Sky .

The reason is it cuts into profits .

Treating the hard of hearing and the aged like this is contemptible , especially as there are so many of us . 


This message was authored by NavneetSin This message was authored by: NavneetSin

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

Sky provide no inormation if provides subtitle or not with movie and confuse audience.

So best way purchase movie is from Prime or Google.


I have no idea what is sky problem to provide subtitles.


This message was authored by Fudge+power This message was authored by: Fudge+power

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

Almost 2 years later and still no subtitles ! I just paid for a movie and it's no good to me because I need to read what's being said ! 

This message was authored by Fudge+power This message was authored by: Fudge+power

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

AND you're a rip off compared to other providers ! Why I'm forking out so much every month for the last 9 years is beyond me , I'm on a basic package and it's €40 !!! I get Amazon free and Netflix is only €12 

This message was authored by mike+simmonds This message was authored by: mike+simmonds

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @Fudge+power 


It might be worth you trying a livechat with the Skystore team to ask if they are willing to offer you a goodwill refund. Can do no harm to ask 



your disappointment is evident but almost certainly Sky won't see your displeasure as on here you are chatting with other Sky customers rather than direct to Sky. 

Sky customer since 1989.
Sky Q 2TB main box
LG CX6LA from 2020

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This message was authored by Federica-C This message was authored by: Federica-C

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

Hi all,


we're working on a background platform update and you can expect subtitles to be available to Sky Store content in 2022.


In the meantime, you can share your concerns and feedback with either the Sky Store staff or our Viewer Relations team as @caesarome and @mike+simmonds advised.


Thank you

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This message was authored by Garethdh This message was authored by: Garethdh

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

When in 2922 will you provide subtitles on sky store purchases and rentals. Netflix & Prine have been providing them for years. 


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