Discussion topic: Purchased films.... archive option

This message was authored by apearman This message was authored by: apearman

Purchased films.... archive option

Can anyone explain EXACTLY what happens when you select to archive a film or program that you have downloaded from Sky Store?

Does it just remove it from your Recordings list but still appear in your Purchased list so that you can just re-download it, or does it disappear somewhere else and if so how do you get it back?




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This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome Answer

Re: Purchased films.... archive option

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

This happens when you archive a Buy and Keep title:


@apearman wrote:

Does it just remove it from your Recordings list but still appear in your Purchased list so that you can just re-download it

So when you want to download it again you can as it will be in your purchased list.

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