Discussion topic: Unable to Watch Film After Purchase

This message was authored by PeterK5 This message was authored by: PeterK5

Unable to Watch Film After Purchase

I purchased a film but I'm unable to downaload and watch it. The error message I'm getting is 'Because of a technical issue, your download couldn't be completed. Please try again later.' This has been the case for 3 weeks now.


I've tried freeing up even more space for new programmes after deleting recordings, going back into the film to try and purchase again and persisting with trying to download. However, none of these things are working and I can't find a way forward to download and watch the film. My internet is definitely working and I've tried restarting it.


Does anyone have any suggestions?


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This message was authored by PeterK5 This message was authored by: PeterK5 Answer

Re: Unable to Watch Film After Purchase

Thanks for this. I ended up contacting Sky Store through the chat link you sent. It was a really bizarre fix with the Sky Go Connection needing to be reactivated under the 'Status' menu. I'm now able to download the film.

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