Discussion topic: Skq q. Ox is connected to the tv but no picture or sound

This message was authored by jbutler This message was authored by: jbutler

Skq q. Ox is connected to the tv but no picture or sound

SKY Q Box is connected to the TV but get no sounds or picture and have restarted the box a few times now.

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This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella Answer

Re: Skq q. Ox is connected to the tv but no picture or sound

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@jbutler wrote:

Hi, @oldfella many thanks for the quick response, I tried that and with a new HDMI lead and still the same issue. SKY remote allows me to turn on the box off and on.

Hi @jbutler 

When you tried 

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was the Q box on with green led?

Also try rebooting the television.

Disconnect power lead for 30 secs and then reconnect to reboot the television.

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