Discussion topic: Netflix has encountered an error. Code: tvq-st-102


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This message was authored by Famine+Resistant This message was authored by: Famine+Resistant

Re: Netflix often not working on SkyQ

Nor did I, but the HDMIs cause so many problems. Same process fixes the reduced brightness in UHD. Give it a go but don't rush the box. 

This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: Netflix often not working on SkyQ

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Famine+Resistant wrote:

Nor did I, but the HDMIs cause so many problems. Same process fixes the reduced brightness in UHD. Give it a go but don't rush the box. 

Fortunately mine works flawlessly so a poor testbed.


Is that reduced brightness on HDR?

This message was authored by Famine+Resistant This message was authored by: Famine+Resistant

Re: Netflix often not working on SkyQ

It's both. Messing with the Black was my initial work around until I discovered the HDMI trick. Had a friend get a new Q box yesterday and I'm seeing him tomorrow and he's an Openreach engineer so I'll post an update on Saturday. Good luck fella. 

This message was authored by BaileyGB This message was authored by: BaileyGB

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

Is anyone else still having problems with Netflix? Logging in is still intermittent!

This message was authored by Kirsty+S27 This message was authored by: Kirsty+S27

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

Posted by a Sky employee

Hi all,


Thank you for sending details to me as requested, the team continue to investigate with Netflix and will keep you updated as soon as I have more information. 


Thank you. 


Community Manager
This message was authored by Helena70 This message was authored by: Helena70

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

Back to square one here, red circle syndrome on Netflix. Tried the Netflix app on the LG tv itself, that offered me an update, which I agreed to, but then up came the message no network connection🤷🏼‍♀️  It worked fine all day and evening yesterday on and off, but not tonight. I then went back to my ipad, installed the Netflix app, and up it came working fine, but won't on the tv. I'm finding this all very strange.......and frustrating! 

This message was authored by BaileyGB This message was authored by: BaileyGB

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

I have the same issue Helena....one day it's fine...and the next is spinning icon again 😞

This message was authored by MarkJ22 This message was authored by: MarkJ22

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

It's definitely hit and miss. I've done everything that's been suggested.


Sometimes it loads right up

Sometimes it has the red circle of death

Sometimes I get the red circle then the logo pulses and it loads.


My get out if it's stuck is to go to iplayer, open and close then NF usually works.


But that isn't right!!!

This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Helena70 wrote:

Back to square one here, red circle syndrome on Netflix. Tried the Netflix app on the LG tv itself, that offered me an update, which I agreed to, but then up came the message no network connection🤷🏼‍♀️  It worked fine all day and evening yesterday on and off, but not tonight. I then went back to my ipad, installed the Netflix app, and up it came working fine, but won't on the tv. I'm finding this all very strange.......and frustrating! 

Nothing to do with the sky box then?

This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

@Helena70 wrote:

Back to square one here, red circle syndrome on Netflix. Tried the Netflix app on the LG tv itself, that offered me an update, which I agreed to, but then up came the message no network connection🤷🏼‍♀️  It worked fine all day and evening yesterday on and off, but not tonight. I then went back to my ipad, installed the Netflix app, and up it came working fine, but won't on the tv. I'm finding this all very strange.......and frustrating! 

That's your LG TV not connecting to the internet and absolutely nothing to do with Sky. If it's using WiFi and not getting a very good signal that may explain the issue with Netflix on your Sky box as well.

This message was authored by Paul+Ja This message was authored by: Paul+Ja

Re: Netflix on sky q will not load

Same issue with the spinning ring. Tried everything mentioned in earlier posts but nothing worked. Opened another app (paramount) which worked, closed it down and tried Netflix again. This time it worked fine 👍

This message was authored by steve+bendell This message was authored by: steve+bendell

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

I knew I tempted fate a couple of weeks back when I said no issues since I rebooted the Sky Router.

Gone again this afternoon.  

This message was authored by steve+bendell This message was authored by: steve+bendell

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

I tried all the re boot of router and Sky Q box.  Opened another app still no joy.

Tried the participate in tests on my account and that cleared it.

Hadn't tried that before as this came up after my earlier post about fixed and didn't want to disturb anything while it was working.

This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@steve+bendell wrote:

I tried all the re boot of router and Sky Q box.  Opened another app still no joy.

Tried the participate in tests on my account and that cleared it.

Hadn't tried that before as this came up after my earlier post about fixed and didn't want to disturb anything while it was working.

So you turned that option off ?

This message was authored by steve+bendell This message was authored by: steve+bendell

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

Yes,  sorry its not clear in my post.


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