Discussion topic: Netflix: Red Spinning Circle on Launch

This message was authored by carrie171 This message was authored by: carrie171

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load


 by talking me through resetting the Apps, although if I'd googled it, I would've found it online.


Tbh, it doesn't work every time though, and who wants to go through this malarkey every time you want to see what's on Netflix?!

Sky just needs to sort it out!!

This message was authored by Colin0000 This message was authored by: Colin0000

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

@carrie171 wrote:


 by talking me through resetting the Apps, although if I'd googled it, I would've found it online.


Tbh, it doesn't work every time though, and who wants to go through this malarkey every time you want to see what's on Netflix?!

Sky just needs to sort it out!!

Yeah that doesn't seem to help as it's just resetting the Apps, the same way turning the box off does.

Sky Q 2GB 32B106 - HDMI to TV, hard wired to router with WiFi disabled on the Q box
Sky Ultrafast1 FTTP 150Mbps
Sky SR203 router
Samsung S95C 55"
This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Colin0000 wrote:

@carrie171 wrote:


 by talking me through resetting the Apps, although if I'd googled it, I would've found it online.


Tbh, it doesn't work every time though, and who wants to go through this malarkey every time you want to see what's on Netflix?!

Sky just needs to sort it out!!

Yeah that doesn't seem to help as it's just resetting the Apps, the same way turning the box off does.

I think it does something different. Shouldn't be needed either way of course!

This message was authored by LSRahman This message was authored by: LSRahman

Re: Netflix on sky q will not load

This information is not true as I was using netflix on sky q box for over a year without a problem until I was due for a renewal & that's when I took it out with sky & hence now having all these problems. It's ridiculous sky needs to sort this mess out ASAP. lots of unhappy customers. 

This message was authored by Dan9 This message was authored by: Dan9

Re: Netflix on sky q will not load

This just worked for us, I opened another app and made sure it had fully loaded and then opened the Netflix app and waiting 30 seconds. It seems to be working fine now! 

This message was authored by Tom-W19 This message was authored by: Tom-W19

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

Posted by a Sky employee

Hi @Anonymous 


A private chat was started but there was no response within 48 hours so it has automatically closed.

If you still need help with this please let us know by posting on the forum again and we will get it escalated through to us.

This message was authored by LSRahman This message was authored by: LSRahman

Re: Netflix on sky q will not load

Yes if you could please get someone to fix the problem as I am still having the same problem 

This message was authored by Sarahk7705 This message was authored by: Sarahk7705

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

I'm having issues. 

It happened a couple months ago and was fixed by logging out of the Netflix app using the Internet and able to sign back on using the sky app, this hasn't worked this time. I've also tried turning box off for a few mins then back but still nothing?

This message was authored by LSRahman This message was authored by: LSRahman

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

Try refreshing the app on setting. Give 24 hours & try again this usually works for me but it's so frustrating as it means I am not able to watch it for the whole day and I only have the weekend free. Wrote a complaint to sky and waiting to hear from them. Let's see if they fix the problem coz if they don't then I will take it further. We should not be paying for a service they are not providing us with. I would advise everyone to make an official complaint to sky, then maybe they will do something about this problem. 

This message was authored by DaveB6 This message was authored by: DaveB6

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

Try loading another app, like prime, and going to Netflix from there using the voice control 

This message was authored by LSRahman This message was authored by: LSRahman

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

Someone else suggested that & I tried it several times yesterday but still couldn't login. 

This message was authored by Sarahk7705 This message was authored by: Sarahk7705

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

I've managed to get mine working again by starting a different app first.

This message was authored by Mo65 This message was authored by: Mo65

Re: Netflix app won't load

My Netflix app won't load 

This message was authored by MrG1 This message was authored by: MrG1

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

Same issue, go to load netflix, spinning red circle and get nowhere. Only on main box not mini or phone/tablets. Just adding to the list as the more that comment the more they may eventually take notice. The only thing that seems to work is logging into another app then going back and trying 3 or 4 times. 

This message was authored by sophie-kent This message was authored by: sophie-kent

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

Yeah, same problem here -Netflix not loading on Sky Q.


Have Sky not come up with a solution?


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