Discussion topic: I had a connection down on Friday. I got the connection back Netflix now won't play


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This message was authored by Elioushka This message was authored by: Elioushka

Re: I had a connection down on Friday. I got the connection back Netflix now won't play

It's working now no need to uninstall 

This message was authored by Yskuser This message was authored by: Yskuser

Re: Netflix error code tvq-pb-101 (1.9.0)

I'm also having the same problem.


Has anyone found a solution? 



This message was authored by Nemamzvaku This message was authored by: Nemamzvaku

Re: Netflix error code tvq-pb-101 (1.9.0)

austria too

This message was authored by blueprintdave This message was authored by: blueprintdave

Re: I had a connection down on Friday. I got the connection back Netflix now won't play

11-12/23 12am 

exactly the same thing; I've also tried to post this message 3 times internet keeps dropping. 

This message was authored by Joy6 This message was authored by: Joy6

Re: I had a connection down on Friday. I got the connection back Netflix now won't play

Same thing here, tried to restart, log off & power off still can't watch Netflix 

This message was authored by mab14 This message was authored by: mab14

Re: Netflix error code tvq-pb-101 (1.9.0)

The same thing happened to me half an hour ago. My network is stable, speed is fast, even Netflix shows that it is fast when cheking the connection. Everything else is working fine and Netflix is working on the phone, but on TV it keeps saying that it needs to check internet connection and won't let me watch anything. I tried clearing chache on Netflix app, logging out, restarting internet and TV, non of it works. Also, I tried searching for answers online but I didn't find anything except your question now so I hope they will fix it or someone will tell us the solution 🙈

This message was authored by AlsoHavingIssue This message was authored by: AlsoHavingIssue

Re: Netflix error code tvq-pb-101 (1.9.0)

Same issue. My netflix is doing the same through my Sky Q box and through my Fire TV stick but works fine on my laptop and phone. Have tried all the netflix recommended fixes with no success. Must be based on those whose Netflix accounts are linked to Sky cause I haven't seen anywhere else reporting the issue.

This message was authored by EvansQG This message was authored by: EvansQG

Re: I had a connection down on Friday. I got the connection back Netflix now won't play

I hope Netflix continues to fix this problem, hopefully we can continue watching Netflix very soon

This message was authored by Sharky99x This message was authored by: Sharky99x

Re: I had a connection down on Friday. I got the connection back Netflix now won't play

Experiencing the same problem in Reading,UK.

Netflix stopped working while watching The Travellers via Sky box.

Error code : tvq-pb-101 (1.9.0)

Xbox displays the same error and both try an internet connection test and says all is fine.

Works fine on my mobile. Tried to screen share but that loaded the app on the TV and same issue there.


Looks like people around the world (Canada, US and Croatia I have seen) are experiencing the same issue.


Glad I wasn't watching some apocalyptic movies else I'd be freaking out right now !!😂


This message was authored by Angel999 This message was authored by: Angel999

Re: Netflix error code tvq-pb-101 (1.9.0)

I am having the exact same issue right now, I tried everything, disconnecting and connecting back, changing networks, restarting router, nothing fixed it, apparently servers are down, that's what Google says, at least, when you look up for that exact error no. you get. Netflix also works for me on mobile but not on any of the TV's in my house, so it's their problem, not yours. 

This message was authored by ASHISHRANJAN This message was authored by: ASHISHRANJAN

Re: I had a connection down on Friday. I got the connection back Netflix now won't play

Having same issue and It's not Netflix but sky issue as I can access Netflix using mobile data rather than using sky network getting error code: tvq-pb-101

But speed is approx 50 maps.

This message was authored by Deanchester33 This message was authored by: Deanchester33

Re: I had a connection down on Friday. I got the connection back Netflix now won't play

Just so your aware if one device is down doesn't mean another is .. have you tried your phones as mines working perfectly fine and the sky box itself isn't.. no need to loose out on your shows but I will be back to check in on the news 

This message was authored by Bailey11 This message was authored by: Bailey11

Re: I had a connection down on Friday. I got the connection back Netflix now won't play

Im having this exacy problem not with sky im with now tv was watching went off jow tell ke my internet speed is good but wont allow me to click on anything without bringing internet connection back up

This message was authored by RDEVO This message was authored by: RDEVO

Re: I had a connection down on Friday. I got the connection back Netflix now won't play

Exact same issue. Won't work on my Samsung Smart TV or my iPhone. Works fine in a web browser on my Mac. However, if I turn the VPN on my iPhone on, it magically works there. Turn the VPN off, it stops working. Make it make sense!

This message was authored by Chelsea131 This message was authored by: Chelsea131

Re: I had a connection down on Friday. I got the connection back Netflix now won't play

I had the same issue here in California. What I did to fix it:

Access Netflix from your phone. If you're using an iPhone, play the show you want and click AirPlay on the right top corner of your screen.

Take note that you might have to connect your phone to your TV first.

After, letting it play for a few mins, use your TV remote and click home and try Netflix again. It worked for me right away. You can disconnect your Airplay from your phone and it should not stop your TV. 

Hope this helps ~


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