Discussion topic: Sky Glass & Sky Stream Playlist issues 01/02/2024

This message was authored by WillboBaggins This message was authored by: WillboBaggins

Sky Stream Continue Watching

My SkyStream has cleared the continue watching reel of everything expect netflix shows and it isn't adding anything I'm watching back to it.


Is there a fix?

This message was authored by John-inCornwall This message was authored by: John-inCornwall

Re: Sky Glass & Sky Stream Playlist issues 01/02/2024

Thanks for the workaround, sadly it doesn't work for me using Sky Streaming, the 'manage all' option just brings up 1 show, that wasn't on my list! Fortunately the two shows I've check do seem to be holding my place so at least I haven't lost where I'm up to but having spent some time creating a list of future shows to view, now lost, it is very frustrating.

Topic Author
This message was authored by GD1 This message was authored by: GD1

Re: Sky Stream Continue Watching

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@WillboBaggins  Yes see post mark as answer (post 2)   there is a workaround provided by fellow SU @MarkGoldsmith 

Like you I'm a customer here, Sky Employees are clearly identified as such.
43" Glass TV & Puck Whole Home
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This message was authored by Fliss920 This message was authored by: Fliss920

Issue with playlist

We have 4  play list and have different programs on each, but today we lost all of the programs on each playlist

This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Sky Glass & Sky Stream Playlist issues 01/02/2024

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Loue wrote:

Perhaps we should all tweet them to speed sky getting a fix 

That wouldn't help at all because the backend team investigating wouldn't see the tweets and it wouldn't make it any quicker to resolve.


Sky are indeed well aware of the issue.

To be honest the Sky Help Team could at least tweet out via their socials that the issue is being investigated though.

Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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This message was authored by Fliss920 This message was authored by: Fliss920

Re: Issue with playlist

Any idea how we get them back

Topic Author
This message was authored by GD1 This message was authored by: GD1

Re: Issue with playlist

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Fliss920   I have merged your post to this existing thread that is discussing the same issue, a workaround has been provided.

Like you I'm a customer here, Sky Employees are clearly identified as such.
43" Glass TV & Puck Whole Home
Please note I only provide help on the main forums and not via PM, PM's are switched off.

This message was authored by Josh+L This message was authored by: Josh+L

Re: Issue with playlist

I have same issue with my playlist on my sky glass 

This message was authored by DavidAllum This message was authored by: DavidAllum

Sky Glass playlist

My playlist has disappeared and I can not add anything to the playlist.

This message was authored by Zayah This message was authored by: Zayah

Playlists vanished

Today all my saved Playlist programmes have vanished. They were fine this morning and I have unplugged and restarted but still no change

The real weird thing is that when I flick through the playlists one or two item appear in the playlists then if I flick to another playlist and back that item has vanaished again


anyonw else???

This message was authored by Zayah This message was authored by: Zayah

Re: Playlist selections on Glass have disappeared

Having the same issues here 

This message was authored by Chafin This message was authored by: Chafin

Re: Playlist programs disappeared!

Thought I'd gone mad as well. Been up and down the stairs like an idiot rebooting the WiFi box 

This message was authored by ChrisTJ72 This message was authored by: ChrisTJ72

Re: Playlists vanished

Mine have also disappeared today If you click on Manage All the list is there but there is no recent section or anything
This message was authored by derek+norfolk This message was authored by: derek+norfolk

All my playlist has disappeared, is anyone else having the same issues?

All my playlist has disappeared, is anyone else having the same issues 

This message was authored by Sandradeans This message was authored by: Sandradeans

Playlist disappeared on main screen anyway of getting it back

Today my playlist disappeared from the main screen all programs lost anyway of getting it back very strange after all this time it has no programmes on ?


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