Discussion topic: Recording

This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous


Elf was playing on normal TV last night. I recorded it for my daughter. When I have gone on my playlist to watch it, it is telling me I can't watch it because I haven't bought the movie elf? Has anyone else had this problem? 
since I bought the sky Glass. I've noticed some perks that you had through the normal skybox you are having to pay for now, for example, i used to be able to fast forward and record for free, now I have to pay £5 a month to do this, and now it's not letting me record movies that are on normal TV channels? 

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This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith Answer

Re: Recording

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Yes there is no hard drive in a Sky Glass TV or a Sky Stream puck so there is nothing to record to.


In part the ad skipping is out of Skys hand as for content watch on demand by ITV, Channel 4 or Channel 5 they are in charge of putting their own ads into their catch up service and if want to skip ads within Channel 4 app for instance you normally have to subscribe separately to that and another sub to ITV X for their premium tier. The only thing Sky can control in theory is the ads they put in their own on-demand content, so the ad skipping can actually be seen as a bit more convenient if you tend to utilise content from these multiple on-demand services.


Streaming is ultimately where TV broadcasting is going and with advertising revenue decreasing the broadcasters are looking to make up for the fall in ad revenue by charging you to skip or remove ads. Just look at the more premium tiers of Netflix and Disney plus now and how much they cost just to remove the ads from one subscription service.


don't forget the ad-skipping add-on is an optional extra so if you don't think it's worth the £5/month don't pay for it and instead watch the ads. 

Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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