Discussion topic: Can't save sky shield settings

This message was authored by Sarahgigi This message was authored by: Sarahgigi

Can't save sky shield settings



got sky max 3 days ago. Have been flicking WiFi off to go onto certain apps and just thought nothing of it.


however went to my sky shield page on the app and realised it was blocking social media and games - would not be an issue but the apps cannot be added as safe, so tried to move the settings to custom, but every time I save them, they revert to PG-13 and don't save.


I have tried the website, my sky app and 3 different devices.


anyone have any bright ideas?

I am talking about "Dragonscapes", "Marco Polo" and "WhatsApp" for specific apps by the way

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This message was authored by Highlinder This message was authored by: Highlinder Answer

Re: Can't save sky shield settings

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Sarahgigi  If you are not able to make any changes to your broadband shield then it would be best to give Sky a call and see if they can make changes. If they are also not able to do this they can then get it looked into for you.


Just dianl 150 on your landline and listen through the voice prompts and stay on the line to speak to an advisor.

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