29 Jan 2025 02:17 PM
And also to follow up on yoru last point - again 100% agreed.
As a big tennis fan i'm on a tennis forum who were "enraged" when the regular ATP/WTA tour events (+US Open) were acquired by Sky recently. The fact that Amazon, who had those rights for 5yrs, didnt bid again was lost on many - most of whom just loved the fact that they got tennis for "free" with their existing Prime fee. Amazon could do that as those rights were very cheap. As you imply, even streamign platforms will have to recoup the costs of expensive (major sports) rights, and wotn just throw them in for your existign sub.
There's economics to all this - and loss leading on the part of a few tech giants can obscure it only for so long.
29 Jan 2025 02:21 PM - last edited: 29 Jan 2025 02:23 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@theredhouse55555 wrote:
I know it is a long shot but I wish we could start a campaign to stop this [In effect] monet grab from W.B.D.
I would perhaps suggest that Warner Bros Discovery Inc is actually in business to make money...
29 Jan 2025 02:27 PM
Fair point but really at the very least a 6 channel service would be better then 4. Even with T.N.T. branding.
29 Jan 2025 02:34 PM
Indeed - and of all the US media giants, WBD is in the worst shape financially. Its got by soem margin the biggest debt load, the highest leverage, and heading towards some kind of crossroads. Bleeding customers and revenue on its traditional networks, for now its leaning into buidling up its streaming product (Max). In a few years if they dont succeed, investors will force a break up / sale of the company - and then sports rights it owns will get realloocated (bought). At that point, certain rights may (emphasis on may) end up in a place more suitable to some consumers / fans. Maybe.
29 Jan 2025 02:44 PM
We can indeed hope. Meanwhile enjoy this last month of Eurosport and we can safely state that as from the 28th of February sports fans in mainland Europe will have the better and cheaper deal. P.S. Discovery + is just to slow to load. How ever much it costs!
29 Jan 2025 02:49 PM - last edited: 29 Jan 2025 04:27 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@Sandybee wrote:
There's economics to all this - and loss leading on the part of a few tech giants can obscure it only for so long.
I'd suggest one amendment there: Amazon is nicely diversified in warehousing, logistics and data centre hosting, and can afford to run Prime Video at a loss just so that Jeff B gets his annual +1 ticket to the Academy Awards ; )
Apple also has a dollar or two going spare from some shiny things they make, although Tim C didn't take a statue home last year.
29 Jan 2025 03:54 PM
As a TNT Sport subscriber (previously BT Sport) I'm concerned that all the extra live sport from Eurosport will now be crammed into the 4 linear BT Sport channels.
This could mean that the sport I love could be reduced, put on the red button or only streamed on Discovery+ and I wont be able to record it on my Sky box.
29 Jan 2025 03:58 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@FastEddie1 wrote:
As a TNT Sport subscriber (previously BT Sport) I'm concerned that all the extra live sport from Eurosport will now be crammed into the 4 linear BT Sport channels.
This could mean that the sport I love could be reduced, put on the red button or only streamed on Discovery+ and I wont be able to record it on my Sky box.
I have no idea but personally I am guessing that the 2 Eurosport channels will just become 2 extra TNT channels needing the subscription rather than being part of 'entertainment' package as previous
29 Jan 2025 04:04 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@FastEddie1 wrote:As a TNT Sport subscriber (previously BT Sport) I'm concerned that all the extra live sport from Eurosport will now be crammed into the 4 linear BT Sport channels.
This could mean that the sport I love could be reduced, put on the red button or only streamed on Discovery+ and I wont be able to record it on my Sky box.
Recently TNT Sports 3 and 4 have had quite a lot of repeated and filler content in the schedules. Also the TNT Sport schedule does have several hours of weekly programming that needs filling since the start of the year when they lost their WWE contract. Practically every day of the week they had some sort of wrestling show for at least 2 hours on one of the 4 channels.
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29 Jan 2025 04:07 PM
Sorry, but at the weekends there's already a lot of live sport on the 4 channels at the same time. Already some is farmed out to the red button or streamed and can't be recorded on Sky.
29 Jan 2025 04:35 PM
@GD1 wrote:
@cyril2 wrote:no tennis,cycling,snooker
breach of contract
No it isn't, read the contract that you alledge is being breached, it allows for channels to be removed as Sky don't make guarantees about channels or event availability given 90% of channels are outside of Sky's control
It should be noted though, you can write anything in terms and conditions. But if those terms and conditions prove to be unreasonable in a court of law/regulator they will be void.
Apart from anything, the minimum you would expect is if you are taking out a new contract you should be informed of any major changes to the product you are signing up for.
For instance, online on the packages it reasonable for a consumer ready to sign up to be warned that certain channels are being removed on a certain date. Same goes if you are ringing up to renew a contract, they should inform you that said channels are going to be removed on a certain date.
We can all be sad that Eurosport is going, the question is here were we properly informed when we took out/renewed contracts on services that Sky knew were going but failed to inform.
OK Maybe being nice..... this was a surprise to Sky this week, it's possible I guess.
29 Jan 2025 04:36 PM
Do get a discount as used to have Europort for past 23 years via Sky ,but not TNT from end Feb 2025
29 Jan 2025 04:41 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out moreYou could try caling to see what they say....
29 Jan 2025 04:49 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out moreThat's unrealistic. No agent in a call centre is going to be privy to potential channel changes or cancellations for the following few months let alone the length of a 24 month deal.
29 Jan 2025 06:08 PM
@Daniel0210 wrote:That's unrealistic. No agent in a call centre is going to be privy to potential channel changes or cancellations for the following few months let alone the length of a 24 month deal.
That's not what I said.
I am not talking about potential channel changes.
I am talking about definite channel/service changes.
They could easily add it as a addition to the terms and conditions you are sent a list of known changes to channels/services. At that point at least you would have the option to cancel and you would be fully informed as a customer.
@tkmaxx55 mentioned 300 days of cycling still being advertised. It's still up today. That speaks for itself.
I can't even find a definative list for Sky Q channels which is odd, I think that has been mentioned before in other threads.
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