Discussion topic: How do I get Eurosport pop up channels on Sky for the Olympics?

This message was authored by FC51 This message was authored by: FC51

How do I get Eurosport pop up channels on Sky for the Olympics?

How do I get the 9 Eurosport pop up channels (That are mentioned by BBC Sports and/or Radio Times.) on Sky for 2024 Olympics? I pay for Sky Sports and have a Sky Q box.

Please / thanks anyone? Please  / thanks @Sky.Sky?


Best Answers
This message was authored by lettice This message was authored by: lettice Answer

Re: How do I get Eurosport pop up channels on Sky for the Olympics?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Easiest way to see all the live events on Eurosport, whether it's on their two linear sports channels or the  Discovery+ app  (that Sky customers get for free), is as follows;


Say 'Olympics'  into your voice remote and pan across the two top live rails there.

Select either of the two linear Eurosport channels on the first rail.

Or for the extra live content select any of the second rail 'Live Olympics on discovery+', select watch, this will launch that within the Discovery+ app.


If you want to switch events when in the Disovery + app,  best way is to say 'Olympics' using your Sky remote once again and pan left to 'Leave and search'


This works great on Sky Stream, should be much the same on Sky Q. 





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