Discussion topic: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

This message was authored by GD1 This message was authored by: GD1

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@cyril2 wrote:

no tennis,cycling,snooker

breach of contract

No it isn't, read the contract that you alledge is being breached, it allows for channels to be removed as Sky don't make guarantees about channels or event availability given 90% of channels are outside of Sky's control 

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This message was authored by 82bit This message was authored by: 82bit

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

Another example of the devaluation of the Sky offering if you ask me. What with the imminent yearly price hikes, closure of Eurosport, the loss of the traditional Sky Atlantic exclusives, and the announcement that Sky 'News' is effectively going to be wound down soon - a lot of people will be wondering if paying for subscription TV is even worth it any more. 

Sky Glass 65” with Sky Live
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This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@82bit wrote:

What with the imminent yearly price hikes....

A case of 'be careful what you wish for....' perhaps. 

This message was authored by Captain+Moron This message was authored by: Captain+Moron

No more WSB or BSB on Sky

Use to enjoy watching the British Super Bikes on Eurosports .Not Sky fault but from March to watch British Super Bikes or World Super Bikes this year will cost you £30 per month for Eurosports .I for one will not be watching BSB or WSB this year at £30 @ mmonth.Greedy TNT Sorts.Goodbye BSB and WSB 

This message was authored by GD1 This message was authored by: GD1

Re: No more WSB or BSB on Sky

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Captain+Moron   I have merged your post to this existing thread that is discussing the same subject, a new thread isn't required.

Like you I'm a customer here, Sky Employees are clearly identified as such.
43" Glass TV & Puck Whole Home
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This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood

Re: No more WSB or BSB on Sky

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Captain+Moron wrote:


Greedy TNT

Presumably MotorSport Vision and Dorna Sports are happy though...

* * * * * * *

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This message was authored by Sandybee This message was authored by: Sandybee

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

Undertand the frustration with this news, but puzzling how a few are blaming Sky/Comcast which makes literally zero sense.  

Sure once any distributor (be it Sky, Virgin or whoever) negotiates carriage rights, it could in theory chose to subsidise those channles to the end consumer.  But that would be a massive subsidy per user, and not financially feasible - as such its a rather pointless thing to posit.  In the background too are the huge debt loads that many of the large media groups are now carrying, after years of mergers, and debt now beign rolled at 4-5% not the 1.5% it was initially raised at.  


Like it or not none of this is price friendly for consumers - a la carte sportts streaming hasnt been shown to work yet, especially for 2nd tier sports (golf, tennis have tried it with no success). So as consumers we're in a world of bundling, which is expensive if you have only specific interests.     All that is left to hope for (in the medium term) is that Max / TNT Sports move to offer more pricing tiers / options than the simple 31 GBP per month or nothing.   But i woudlnt expect them to reappraise for a good few years, if at all.


This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Sandybee wrote:

All that is left to hope for (in the medium term) is that Max / TNT Sports move to offer more pricing tiers / options than the simple 31 GBP per month or nothing.   But i woudlnt expect them to reappraise for a good few years, if at all.


I agree. I think it would take the sporting broadcasting rights market to slump so that rights are much cheaper to obtain before we get a reappraisal like that unfortunately.


I highly expect Amazon and Netflix to try and snap up more sporting content over the next 5 years and look to bring in more expensive tiers for their platforms for this content.

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This message was authored by popacatapetal This message was authored by: popacatapetal

Eurosport Being Removed From Sky

I've just noticed this article in PC Advisor:-


Bit disappointing for Sky Viewers

This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: Eurosport Being Removed From Sky

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more



As you will see I have merged your post onto the existing discussion regarding this

This message was authored by Paulkf This message was authored by: Paulkf

Discovery plus 2025

Will we still able to watch Roland garros grand slam tennis via D+ this year 

This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood

Re: Discovery plus 2025

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more



Probably not on the revised default version of Discovery+ bundled through Sky after February 28th: there doesn't appear to be any sports in the 'Basic' tier.


Screenshot 2025-01-29 150043.png



Warner Bros Discovery Inc is presumably paying a huge amount for French Open broadcast rights, and would probably quite like some return on this investment:  'giving away' sports content in Discovery+ Standard on Sky platforms always did feel like something of an oversight.

* * * * * * *

Sky Glass 55" (on ethernet) & two Stream Pucks (one ethernet / one WiFi)
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This message was authored by japitts This message was authored by: japitts

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

@MarkGoldsmith wrote:

@Sandybee wrote:

All that is left to hope for (in the medium term) is that Max / TNT Sports move to offer more pricing tiers / options than the simple 31 GBP per month or nothing.   But i woudlnt expect them to reappraise for a good few years, if at all.


I agree. I think it would take the sporting broadcasting rights market to slump so that rights are much cheaper to obtain before we get a reappraisal like that unfortunately.


I highly expect Amazon and Netflix to try and snap up more sporting content over the next 5 years and look to bring in more expensive tiers for their platforms for this content.

I'm far from convinced that the case for sporting events going online-only, and not having any broadcast coverage, is made yet. Sky, TNT, BBC & ITV all have options for you to stream if you'd rather, but they also have broadcast channels - the reverse is not true thus some viewers are excluded.


Also a lot of the noise around "isn't Netflix great, all sport should be on Amazon" seems based around those existing users who would expect every premium sports content to be included in their existing monthly fee and thus be "cheaper" for them. They're living in cuckoo-land if they think that'll last.

This message was authored by Sandybee This message was authored by: Sandybee

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

100% agreed - we're in a state of flux or transition, and yes the case for (major) sports being online only is also very unproven to me too.


The Max / TNT issue is one of a vertically itegrated media group - with both over the air distribution and an online platform = tryign to monetise the rights portfolio it has.   That its doing so by using both traditional + online seems to me to be a good middle ground, at least from a customer experience point of view.   The NFL seems in a good place w.r.to all this - lots of broadcoast choice each weekend, supplemeted by a pretty decent online (GamePass) platform for those who want more.


Much as i will miss the cheap-to-me Eurosport, as long as TNT Sports Premium allow dipping in and out, a month here and there for 30 pm isnt the end of the world. Yes its more fiddly and involved, but asbent fixed long contracts, we're not suddenly now forced into paying 12*30 (360) per year.



This message was authored by theredhouse55555 This message was authored by: theredhouse55555

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

The thing that I do not understand is how are T.N.T. going to squeeze 6 channels worth of sport in to 4. I am prsuming that will be on the red button. Also very sad that as from 2026. The Tour de France will now longer be on I.T.V. 4. I am just so disappionted by the news. After many years of saving both Eurosport channels twice on Sky E.P.G s. It was not Brexit but U.S. Capatlisim that ended Eurosport in the U.K. N. Ireland and The Republic of Ireland. £30 a month is too much for the T.N.T. sport app and T.N.T. have now admitted that Eurosport branding will have the same long ad-breaks same presenters and even the sam mircophones with the Eurosport E on the mikes. Also on my Smart T.V. Discovery + does not load. (removed)


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