Discussion topic: Telephone line

This message was authored by FreddBloggs This message was authored by: FreddBloggs

Telephone line

Telephone line to house comes from a telegraph pole but tree branch is rubbing the line and the tree

Best Answers
This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39 Answer

Re: Telephone line

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@FreddBloggs I'm afraid I agree with @Daniel0210. Openreach don't generally carry out preventive maintenance. You could try reporting it to Sky (dial 150) but if their checks show no fault, they won't be able to raise it with Openreach


If it's to be a health and safety hazard (it doesn't appear to be from your description) you could try reporting it directly to Openreach: https://www.openreach.com/help-and-support/damage-health-and-safety

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