Discussion topic: Crackling phone line

This message was authored by CollinsCottage This message was authored by: CollinsCottage

Crackling phone line

I renewed my contract with Sky for broadband & telephone last week. I received a call from Sky on Friday. I assume it was just a call to ask if I would like to sign up for any additinal services, however I was engaged on a call on another phone & so had to cut the call short. Ever since that call my landline phone, which had been working fine, will not display the name of any caller, displaying only "Incoming call" & now the line crackles so much I am neither able to make nor receive calls. 

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This message was authored by Mr+Flibbles+86 This message was authored by: Mr+Flibbles+86 Answer

Re: Crackling phone line

Posted by a Sky employee

Thanks for escalating this. We’ve sent an invite to chat.

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