Discussion topic: How to order sky Q box

This message was authored by NevSam This message was authored by: NevSam

How to order sky Q box

I will see an email telling me I can upgrade my sky plus box to sky Q box for free. How do I do this?

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This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome Answer

Re: How to order sky Q box

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

What does the email tell you to do to get your order placed, if there is a phone number then then you will need to call it, otherwise if there is a website address then you should be able to use that.

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This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome Answer

Re: How to order sky Q box

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

What does the email tell you to do to get your order placed, if there is a phone number then then you will need to call it, otherwise if there is a website address then you should be able to use that.

If someone has helped you then please click on the LIKES button in their post.
If you need help please provide as much information as you can
This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: How to order sky Q box

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

hi @NevSam 


You may wish to read some notes I have made for people considering switching from SKY +/HD to SKY Q

SKY +/HD to SKY Q 

This message was authored by neil+watkin This message was authored by: neil+watkin

Re: How to order sky Q box

Are these genuine emails? is the bit about not updating software on SKY+ anymore correct? 


has anyone phoned the number and what were they offered? 

This message was authored by SKY1992bf This message was authored by: SKY1992bf

Re: How to order sky Q box

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@neil+watkin  They are genuine and it's correct that sky plus boxes are no longer receiving software updates 

Please note: I am just a sky customer not a employee - posts from sky employees are clearly marked as such
my setup: Samsung 5 series 32inc tv | sky +hd box | variety, SKY & TNT sports,sky cinema | Netflix and prime video
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This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: How to order sky Q box

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@neil+watkin wrote:

Are these genuine emails? is the bit about not updating software on SKY+ anymore correct? 


has anyone phoned the number and what were they offered? 

In fact, there haven't been any software updates for well over a year now.

This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: How to order sky Q box

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Mark39 wrote:

@neil+watkin wrote:

Are these genuine emails? is the bit about not updating software on SKY+ anymore correct? 


has anyone phoned the number and what were they offered? 

In fact, there haven't been any software updates for well over a year now.

The last major non-hotfix was R023.091.33.00P on 20/02/2020 🙂

I am Neurodivergent Sky+HD  LG NanoCell TV  Xbox
My F•A•Qs: Sky GlassSky StreamSky GoSky Plus
This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood

Re: How to order sky Q box

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@neil+watkin wrote:


is the bit about not updating software on SKY+ anymore correct? 


It is, as @SKY1992bf @Mark39 @Annie+UK noted, but it's something of a red herring from Sky because HD boxes don't need any such 'updates' to continue to function more or less as they do now.


Sky+ HD hardware hasn't been manufactured since 2015 and Sky no longer offers in-premises support for it. If a box and dish continues to operate it will probably function for live channels, recording/playback and on-demand for the remainder of the lifespan of satellite television broadcasting itself (likely to be ending around the close of this decade) but some interactive service will cease, or has already done so (such as various red-button Sports options)


Offering migration to Q gets users onto more capable hardware which is actually in stock and still supported while giving Sky the chance to both upsell the subscription bundle and earn a percentage from the optional streaming apps that Sky+ HD cannot host.

* * * * * * *

Sky Glass 55" (on ethernet) & two Stream Pucks (one ethernet / one WiFi)
BT Halo 3+ Ultrafast FTTP (500Mbs), BT Smart Hub 2
This message was authored by SKY1992bf This message was authored by: SKY1992bf

Re: How to order sky Q box

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Annie+UK wrote:

@Mark39 wrote:

@neil+watkin wrote:

Are these genuine emails? is the bit about not updating software on SKY+ anymore correct? 


has anyone phoned the number and what were they offered? 

In fact, there haven't been any software updates for well over a year now.

The last major non-hotfix was R023.091.33.00P on 20/02/2020 🙂

@Annie+UK I'm curious where did you find the exact date?


I'm on R024.092.11.00p which if I remember correctly was either to fix the epg time after it failed to change when the clocks changed once or backend updates 

Please note: I am just a sky customer not a employee - posts from sky employees are clearly marked as such
my setup: Samsung 5 series 32inc tv | sky +hd box | variety, SKY & TNT sports,sky cinema | Netflix and prime video
Please note: I only provide help on the main forums and not via PM
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This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: How to order sky Q box

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@SKY1992bf wrote:

@Annie+UK wrote:

@Mark39 wrote:

@neil+watkin wrote:

Are these genuine emails? is the bit about not updating software on SKY+ anymore correct? 


has anyone phoned the number and what were they offered? 

In fact, there haven't been any software updates for well over a year now.

The last major non-hotfix was R023.091.33.00P on 20/02/2020 🙂

@Annie+UK I'm curious where did you find the exact date?


I'm on R024.092.11.00p which if I remember correctly was either to fix the epg time after it failed to change when the clocks changed once or backend updates 

As part of the beta testing I have kept documents for every version released since 19/04/2012 until 20/02/2020


R024.092.11.00P is what I class as a hotfix 🙂


I am Neurodivergent Sky+HD  LG NanoCell TV  Xbox
My F•A•Qs: Sky GlassSky StreamSky GoSky Plus
This message was authored by oj01 This message was authored by: oj01

Re: How to order sky Q box

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Annie+UK wrote:

@SKY1992bf wrote:

@Annie+UK wrote:

@Mark39 wrote:

@neil+watkin wrote:

Are these genuine emails? is the bit about not updating software on SKY+ anymore correct? 


has anyone phoned the number and what were they offered? 

In fact, there haven't been any software updates for well over a year now.

The last major non-hotfix was R023.091.33.00P on 20/02/2020 🙂

@Annie+UK I'm curious where did you find the exact date?


I'm on R024.092.11.00p which if I remember correctly was either to fix the epg time after it failed to change when the clocks changed once or backend updates 

As part of the beta testing I have kept documents for every version released since 19/04/2012 until 20/02/2020


R024.092.11.00P is what I class as a hotfix 🙂


I was going to say that, from memory, it stopped when Covid hit which ties in with Annie's records. 

Sky Community Forum SuperUser
Former Sky+HD Beta Tester
Sky Signature, Sky Sports, Sky HD, Sky Mobile
Member Of The Community Since 2011
Staying on Sky+HD until Sky force me off
This message was authored by Claretkaren This message was authored by: Claretkaren

Re: How to order sky Q box

I telephoned yesterday to order my box but I  cannot get an engineers appointment for a Monday until at least June to set it up.

 I was told that obviously a lot of people are taking up the offer but there is a struggle to get an engineers appointment.  So I  cancelled my order and will cross the bridge of getting a new system at a later date.

 Today I  found out that Sky are making 400 Sky engineers redundant at the end of the month so that makes a lot of sense when you can't get an appointment 





This message was authored by Misshilary This message was authored by: Misshilary

Re: How to order sky Q box

This is a bit of a side question but does anyone know of you move from the unsupported Sky+to Sky Q as they suggest, do Sky make you a start a new contract? I've had Sky+ about 10 years so I'm out of contract and like it that way. Thankyou 

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: How to order sky Q box

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Misshilary wrote:

This is a bit of a side question but does anyone know of you move from the unsupported Sky+to Sky Q as they suggest, do Sky make you a start a new contract? I've had Sky+ about 10 years so I'm out of contract and like it that way. Thankyou 

I don't know for certain, but I would think it very likely, being the 'price' you pay for the free upgrade to Sky Q. There may be other non-free options which don't involve a new contract. I'd give Sky a call.

This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: How to order sky Q box

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Misshilary wrote:

This is a bit of a side question but does anyone know of you move from the unsupported Sky+to Sky Q as they suggest, do Sky make you a start a new contract? I've had Sky+ about 10 years so I'm out of contract and like it that way. Thankyou 



I feel I should mention that  being out of  a minumum contract  period does mean that you are likely to have paid a  lot more than taking advantage of deals & being in contract (unless you have only just come out of a deal) 



BTW You may wish to read some notes I have made for people considering switching from SKY +/HD to SKY Q


SKY +/HD to SKY Q 



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