Discussion topic: HAYU Application continues to not work

This message was authored by gpnocky This message was authored by: gpnocky

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

They've been 'working on it' for weeks. 😞

This message was authored by PatriciaNC This message was authored by: PatriciaNC

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

Wishy washy huh 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️

This message was authored by PatriciaNC This message was authored by: PatriciaNC

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

Hi everyone 

I have had contact from Hayu


This message was authored by gpnocky This message was authored by: gpnocky

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

That didn't work for me unfortunately. I left the box switched off at the mains for 5 minutes but I'm still getting a flickering black screen whilst scrolling through the menu and none of the shows will play. I'm definitely signed in. 😞

This message was authored by B.S This message was authored by: B.S

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

Try the Refresh all Apps maybe, that might force HayU to update.


Highlight settings and press 

0, 0, 1 + Select 

Select Apps 

Select Refresh all Apps 

This message was authored by PatriciaNC This message was authored by: PatriciaNC

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

I will try the apps refresh and see if that works. I should have known better than to get all excited lol 😆 

This message was authored by PatriciaNC This message was authored by: PatriciaNC

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

How did everyone get on updating their apps? It looks like my Hayu is working 💪 woo hoo 😀 



This message was authored by gpnocky This message was authored by: gpnocky

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

Not working for me. 😢


I switched the box off at the mains for 5 minutes yesterday morning, that didn't work. I refreshed the apps yesterday afternoon and just tried the app now but I'm still getting a flickering whilst scrolling and no programme will play.


On my smart TV app I'm signed in but nothing will play when I click on it.


We subscribed around 4 months ago and everything was fine for the first 2 months then we got the dreaded flickering & black screen but eventually things would play. We haven't been able to watch a single show for a month now. 😡

This message was authored by PatriciaNC This message was authored by: PatriciaNC

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

Oh no, I had hoped that was the issue finally resolved. I am sorry to hear that it isn't. That really is a pain in the ...


Sky/Hayu have to sort this for you! It is ridiculous. They need to do more. Keep emailing them. Also Sky (messanger I find is the most responsive) or raise an official complaint. 


I have asked for a refund for the past 2 months from them. 

This message was authored by Wendible This message was authored by: Wendible

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

Didn't work for me either. Nor the turning off everything, including the router.



This message was authored by gpnocky This message was authored by: gpnocky

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

How long has it been playing up for you? We had flickering and shows occasionally not playing until we tried again later - this was 2 months ago.


For the past 3 or 4 weeks nothing plays when we click on it.

This message was authored by Wendible This message was authored by: Wendible

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

It's been at least two months for us now. 

This message was authored by gpnocky This message was authored by: gpnocky

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

Yep, same as us. If it's not sorted by next weekend I'm going to cancel. 😞

This message was authored by Wendible This message was authored by: Wendible

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

We're fine watching through the firestick. It's not as easy as through Sky, but at least our subscription isn't for nothing. I'm sorry you don't have an alternative - that must be stressful cubed.


This message was authored by gpnocky This message was authored by: gpnocky

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

I may have found out my problem with programmes not playing although I'm still getting the flickering then the screen going black.


We subscribed via our Sky Q box and started the 7 day free trial and recurring £4.99 per month. I signed up using my email address and a password. Everything was fine for over a month and £4.99 comes out of our bank on 13th of each month.


I've just installed the Hayu app on my phone, signed in using the email address & password I used on the Sky Q box, gone into Payments and there's nothing there. 😮 So even though I'm signed in it thinks I haven't subscribed and is asking me which plan I'd like to take out.


I imagine that's why trailers are playing but not the actual programmes. 


I've tried cancelling the £4.99 so I can start again but there's no where I can do it. Hayu says go into Payments and Cancel from there but there are no payments. I've tried signing in using the QR code on screen which pairs the TV but that doesn't work. My bank app is useless, i can cancel direct debits and standing orders but to cancel a recurring debit card charge I need to go in the bank or phone them. I'll go in next week. 😞


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