Discussion topic: HAYU Application continues to not work

This message was authored by Wendible This message was authored by: Wendible

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

I suppose we do pay Hayu direct, so there's not much they can do to stop us being charged for it, but still ... 
The odd note on this thread that they're still working on it would have made that advice feel a bit less dismissive.

This message was authored by PatriciaNC This message was authored by: PatriciaNC

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

I know I literally replied 'Ok' 


Felt like if you don't like it just leave then... 😕 🤷‍♀️ 


I would rather get it sorted. Is it that difficult? I don't know? 

This message was authored by gpnocky This message was authored by: gpnocky

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

All subscribers should receive a refund, we haven't been able to watch anything for 2 weeks. I've refreshed the apps by going into the settings but that hasn't worked.


What's happening for you guys? We used to get lots of flickering then it worked fine for a week but for the past 2 weeks if we click on a programme title to view nothing happens. We now can't watch anything. 

This message was authored by JaneMH19 This message was authored by: JaneMH19

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

I'm really not pleased as I paid my subscription directly to Hayu so it's not their problem that Sky cannot get the app to work on their system, it works perfectly well elsewhere, other networks, tablets etc so it's Sky who have a problem at their end.  I can't just stop paying subscription so it's money lost. 

This message was authored by PatriciaNC This message was authored by: PatriciaNC

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

Flickering/flashing and can't scroll. It works OK on the mini sky box but not my main one in the living room. It has been like that for more than a month. 

This message was authored by PatriciaNC This message was authored by: PatriciaNC

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

Yeah I pay Hayu too. 

This message was authored by Wendible This message was authored by: Wendible

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

I think you can only pay Hayu, no? I could be wrong ... we've had it a while. 

In answer to the 'what's happening with everyone' question, we've not been able to watch it for over a month. Flickers, screen goes to black, if you can get a show to start playing it jumps all over the place, then goes to black again. It's got gradually worse, but there was a bizarre night in the midst of it all that I managed to watch three episodes of RHOP, and I thought it was sorted. The next time I tried, it was back to awfulness, so I can't promise that really happened and I didn't just have some kind of fever dream. We can still watch it on Amazon Firestick, it's just not as easy as on Sky. 

This message was authored by PatriciaNC This message was authored by: PatriciaNC

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

Haha maybe it happened maybe not lol. Maybe everyone pays Hayu direct. Maybe it should be hay u get it fixed you shady bunch lol. We want to watch our cheesy programmes. 🤣

This message was authored by JaneMH19 This message was authored by: JaneMH19

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

We like our cheesy shows 🤣 It's working fine on my tablet and via Amazon so it's a Sky issue that they obviously can't fix. 

This message was authored by PatriciaNC This message was authored by: PatriciaNC

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

Yeah absolutely. Just getting fobbed off 🙄 

This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@JaneMH19 wrote:

I'm really not pleased as I paid my subscription directly to Hayu so it's not their problem that Sky cannot get the app to work on their system, 

Unfortunately that isn't correct. Sky don't own or develope the Hayu app so it's Hayus responsibility to work with Sky to ensure any issues with the app are resolved. 

It's no different to if the app stopped working on iPhones for example, it would be Hayus responsibility (potentially with assistance from Apple) to identify and fix the issue and update the iPhone version of the app.


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This message was authored by PatriciaNC This message was authored by: PatriciaNC

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

The app works on the mini box and tablet but not the main sky Q box therefore it is Sky surely as it is the main Q box the issue with the app is on? 

This message was authored by Wendible This message was authored by: Wendible

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

It feels like a 'both of them' problem to me.

This message was authored by Kazz941 This message was authored by: Kazz941

Hayu always crashing

I'm getting really sick of hayu crashing to a black screen multiple times when I'm watching. I have to go back to sky menu and open again! I don't have this on any other app so it must be an issue with hayu 

This message was authored by KevNewMedia This message was authored by: KevNewMedia Answer

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

Posted by a Sky employee

Hi Everyone


Thank you for your perseverance and patience whilst we work on this problem with Hayu.


I'm so sorry that it's taking time to get to the root of and fix the issue.  As soon as we know more/have a fix, we will update the thread accordingly.


I'm going to mark this post as the answer, so everyone see's the most up-to-date information.

Community Manager

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