Discussion topic: You have no purchases

This message was authored by NewtonBoy This message was authored by: NewtonBoy

You have no purchases

 On the SkyStore app my 19 PPV titles are shown.   On the Sky Go app, just six.  But on my Sky Q box it just says 'you have no purchases'.


Did a search on here and found that there is a 'restore purchases' option on the SkyStore app, but I can't it.


Any ideas how to get them on the Sky Q box?

Best Answers
This message was authored by bob1234 This message was authored by: bob1234 Answer

Re: You have no purchases

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@NewtonBoyFind them in the store from the Q box and it should say something like you already have it with no cost shown. Download it again from there and it will then show on the Q box.

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