Discussion topic: Store purchases missing

This message was authored by Natalie57 This message was authored by: Natalie57

Store purchases missing

Can anyone help me with missing purchases from sky store? I bought a movie via Sky Q to find it not listed in my library when I try to view it via my tablet. The same is true of a movie I have bought on my tablet- it is not in my Sky Q library. Doh!

it used to be the case that however you bought a digital film (either on tablet or through the telly) it was available on all platforms. What's happened?

I tried ringing Sky for help and they said they would link my account to my telly and devices and this would work, but it hasn't. Anyone know of or experienced this problem? Any clues to how to fix it? Thanks

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This message was authored by Natalie57 This message was authored by: Natalie57 Answer

Re: Store purchases missing

Thanks so much for all your replies. I tried all the tips you kindly sent me, going through purchase steps again, rebooting etc, sending to the box etc but in the end I had to contact sky live chat. Forget the sky auto bot for help you just go round and round in circles. Anyway, thanks for the direct link to live chat! Got the problem sorted. It seems that the film boxes I bought on my tablet (Deep Bkue Sea 1-3 and The Meg 1&2) has had this problem for lots of other customers. Sky says its aware of the issue and is trying to get it sorted, so watch this space (not holding my breath). As for the other films (2013 & The Day After Tomorrow) Sky told me that there was a glitch, but this time a happy one. While they remain locked on my Sky Q and never be available to my devices, it's k my because Sky hasn't registered them as purchases so they are free. Can't complain at that. Please mess up like this again Sky ha ha ha!  So yes problems aren't really FIXED but at least I have answers. Thanks everybody x

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