Discussion topic: Downloading sky store app for PC fails

This message was authored by Antares-Mark This message was authored by: Antares-Mark

Downloading sky store app for PC fails

I do not have a sky cinema subscription, mainly because I found I was buying premium content and not watching  the included content. I am about to go on a business trip and thought I would prepare by downloading a movie to watch one night. However, even though I have purchaesd the movie and can play it in the sky store app, I cannot download it. the page redirects to download the app but fails due to some security cetrtificate issue.


Where can I access a downloadable skystore app (not Sky Go) to get the novie to download on Windows 10? I will not have a reliable internet connection t the destination.



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This message was authored by tony8r This message was authored by: tony8r Answer

Re: Downloading sky store app for PC fails

@Antares-Mark I know this sounds weird, but i switched over to Microsoft Edge to try and download it and it worked. I was originally trying to use Google Chrome but it just wasn't having it. Edge has worked for me. I now have the Sky Store App on my laptop. I'm sorry I was a few days late to your original posting and then maybe you could have watched your film/programme on the day you wanted to. 

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