Discussion topic: Sony TV freezing and rebooting with SKY Q

This message was authored by Expert+User This message was authored by: Expert+User

Re: Sony TV freezing and rebooting with SKY Q


This message was authored by TanerC This message was authored by: TanerC

Re: Sony TV freezing and rebooting with SKY Q

Wicked I'm updating now.  The Dolby vision one I hope it's good I've been complaining about it being too dark.

This message was authored by Expert+User This message was authored by: Expert+User

Re: Sony TV freezing and rebooting with SKY Q

All those tv's that have been exchanged and people getting annoyed every day, what a waste of time and resources. Sony could have forced out a notification out before sorting the update, then at least we would know what's going on

This message was authored by Expert+User This message was authored by: Expert+User

Re: Sony TV freezing and rebooting with SKY Q

And the problem is not fixed, anyone else have any better luck?


This message was authored by TanerC This message was authored by: TanerC

Re: Sony TV freezing and rebooting with SKY Q

You mean the tv freezing while watching sky? I've not had a issue since turning samba tv off 

This message was authored by RobertP75 This message was authored by: RobertP75

Re: Sony TV freezing and rebooting with SKY Q

I did the update last night to the latest version and there was nothing about this problem in the list of faults it is supposed to rectifiy.

Turning off Samba so far has solved the problem.   I turned it off a week ago today.  I have been in contact with Sony Technical support about this issue for 2 months now.  They know there is an issue and they have an update coming in December to sort it.  I spoke to Sony this morning and they said yesterdays update is not the one that will fix this issue permanently, it is the one coming in December that will fix it.

But as said I have found turning off Samba sorts the problem in the mean time.

This message was authored by Expert+User This message was authored by: Expert+User

Re: Sony TV freezing and rebooting with SKY Q

Thank you for that detail, I have the Samba disabled and has not helped, will await the next update.

This message was authored by RobertP75 This message was authored by: RobertP75

Re: Sony TV freezing and rebooting with SKY Q

Are you having the problem where the tv screen suddenly freezes you can here sound then crashes and then resets itself.  Turning itself off then back on again?

This message was authored by Expert+User This message was authored by: Expert+User

Re: Sony TV freezing and rebooting with SKY Q

Hi, my issue is when I turn the box on in the morning I get no picture or sound and have to either reboot the telly, sometimes both telly and Q box. I think when the Q box does its nightly update check / reboot the telly loses the hdmi handshake and does not see any device connected.

This message was authored by Jerve This message was authored by: Jerve

Re: Sony TV freezing and rebooting with SKY Q

Most problems seemed to be cured by disabling Samba TV. Since I did it three weeks ago no problems.

Check your hdmi leads are fully pushed in.


This message was authored by Vicsha25 This message was authored by: Vicsha25

Re: Sony TV freezing and rebooting with SKY Q


I'm having the same issues as everyone else above - sony bravio 8 bought dec 22nd 2024 when I watch sky q - especially Netflix after about 1 hour tv pictures freezes / sound carries on playing. Sometimes screen goes black while sound keeps on playing / tv is frozen can not use remote to do anything have to unplug the tv and restart - I was going to return the tv today but decided to try and new hdmi cable ( 2.1 4k ultra fast £44.99!!!) happened again ! As it's now Xmas day 😃 was going to return it in 2 days time - I have now disabled samba and will keep you updated if this works for me - I will clear cache and disable app tomorrow and keep everyone updated ! After spending so much on a tv the least you would like it to do is work 🙂 

This message was authored by Jerve This message was authored by: Jerve

Re: Sony TV freezing and rebooting with SKY Q

Sony issued a software update a week or so ago make sure your tv has been updated. It was to cure the samba problem I believe. Good luck

This message was authored by Vicsha25 This message was authored by: Vicsha25

Re: Sony TV freezing and rebooting with SKY Q

I literally just downloaded the new software update to my usb flash drive - when I put into the tv it says yours tv already has the latest software downloaded remove drive - I checked and my tv does not have the new update v112.628.050.1 so tv won't allows me to update to this yet. I'm hoping disabling samba will work until then ! Will write an update 


This message was authored by Jerve This message was authored by: Jerve

Re: Sony TV freezing and rebooting with SKY Q

Everyone who disabled samba has found it works remember to empty cache and force stop in the manage samba tv.

your tv should update automatically there have been two updates in the last 6 weeks so you may have downloaded the previous one. Don't worry Samba disabled has worked for everyone to my knowledge.

have a great day 

This message was authored by Expert+User This message was authored by: Expert+User

Re: Sony TV freezing and rebooting with SKY Q

I have the latest update from the other day and still when Q box updates my Bravia 7 loses the handshake and I have to reboot and go into external devices and do the sync again. Disabling Samba does nothing for me.


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