Discussion topic: Rugby League wanting to watch all games

This message was authored by xenon81 This message was authored by: xenon81

Re: Recording more than 1 live match through the red button

Sky have recently started making full Super League matches available to download from catch-up, instead of just 15 minute highlights. It may be that the matches only shown on Sky Sports+ are made available in this way. We will find out this weekend. 

This message was authored by graceland22 This message was authored by: graceland22

Re: Sky Q box customers 2nd class citizens? The thin end of the wedge with Sky Sports+?

My point is that I was previously able to record ALL six rugby league matches on my box. Tonight for example there are matches going on simultaneously and you I will have to choose which one to watch on the Sky Sports + TV app. I would normally record all six and watch them at my leisure. But it appears as if they are to be gone forever to download or record. Will they be available on catch up through Sky Sports +?

I went over to BT TV for a spell (with Sky Sports and 'BT' sport) but the streaming  experience was appalling and I came back to Sky. Now it looks as if I am being driven towards Glass or mini-box streaming by Sky.

This message was authored by stereohaven This message was authored by: stereohaven

Re: Sky Q box customers 2nd class citizens? The thin end of the wedge with Sky Sports+?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@graceland22 wrote:

Now it looks as if I am being driven towards Glass or mini-box streaming by Sky.

That's what we are trying to say, you are not because the experience currently is exactly the same on Q, Glass or Stream.


I can't comment on what it looked like before and what you could or could not record, but the highlights available currently are the same on alll platofrms.


LG B6 OLED 55” | LG UP75 LCD 43” | Sky Q | Sky Q Mini | Apple TV 4K | SONOS Beam 2 | Sky Mobile | FTTC BT Halo 3+
This message was authored by Mister_Dalek This message was authored by: Mister_Dalek

Re: Sky Q box customers 2nd class citizens? The thin end of the wedge with Sky Sports+?

Sky have been very careful in all the marketing of Sky Sports+ to only mention the additional amount of live sport that the new app offers. There's no mention of being able to watch full matches on demand afterwards. As previous Sky marketing was keen to mention - it's only live once....

This message was authored by ftballman This message was authored by: ftballman

Re: Sky Q box customers 2nd class citizens? The thin end of the wedge with Sky Sports+?

I think it's probably indicative of a lot of what's going on with sky that "only live once" slogan was siphoned off by the American branch of the business.

This message was authored by Andysaddened This message was authored by: Andysaddened

Sky Sports + What a scam for rugby fans!!

Paradise had arrived. I could record and watch all 6 Betfred Rugby League matches every week.

With Sky Sports + I can now only record 2 [and have no choice].

This is for me a 66% REDUCTION in service, not the 100% increase claimed on the Sports + trailers.

Sadly my Sky subscription expires next January so I shall just have to smoulder until then.

This message was authored by seandrews This message was authored by: seandrews

Re: Sky Q box customers 2nd class citizens? The thin end of the wedge with Sky Sports+?

You can really understand with every passing day why piracy is on the rise..


skys tactics to get people off Q is working.


the trouble for them is these customers are not going to Glass, Stream or NOW but to illegal means of obtaining live streans and archive content. 

if only sky had a way of connecting with and discussing what their customer base wants

This message was authored by xenon81 This message was authored by: xenon81

Re: Sky Sports + What a scam for rugby fans!!

You might be able to download the full matches from catch up, Sky have started making full Super League matches available this way instead of only 15minute highlights.

This message was authored by PeterH1950 This message was authored by: PeterH1950

Re: Sky Sports + What a scam for rugby fans!!

I have just spoken to an advisor and the red button matches can only be watched live as they are streamed. This means you cannot see them in the tv guide, and they are not available to download or view afterwards. This is even true for sky stream or glass customers too. This is disgraceful for rugby league fans, we are promised every game but only if we watch live - what a scam!

This message was authored by Andysaddened This message was authored by: Andysaddened

Re: Sky Sports + What a scam for rugby fans!!

Thanks for the reply ..... and on Friday when there are 3 matches simultaneously we can only watch one at a time [so we actually can't watch all 6, even streamed].

This message was authored by best+of+the+best This message was authored by: best+of+the+best

Re: Sky Sports + What a scam for rugby fans!!

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Andysaddened wrote:

Paradise had arrived. I could record and watch all 6 Betfred Rugby League matches every week.

With Sky Sports + I can now only record 2 [and have no choice].

This is for me a 66% REDUCTION in service, not the 100% increase claimed on the Sports + trailers.

Sadly my Sky subscription expires next January so I shall just have to smoulder until then.

Why is it a scam just cause it's the case this week

If I was into rugby I could record all three matches scheduled for next week 


Screenshot_20240809-143448_Sky Sports.jpg

Obviously information from the SkySports+ app on my mobile device.


This message was authored by MarkyFletcher27 This message was authored by: MarkyFletcher27

Re: Sky sports +

It is rather scandalous for RL fans if the suggestion that games that are on the app and not the linear channel can only be watched live and not recorded/on demand. At the start of this season Sky really promoted the fact that all 6 games Super League games would be on tv each week. Sure, they still are although it's actually impossible to watch them all because some kick off at the same time.


I'd find it pretty difficult to believe that Sky were going to "hide" games on an app and deny customers the abilty to watch the full match on demand (as they have been able to do all season via recordings). That would put this service behind almost evey other app provider for sport, including for example Premier Sports whereby full games are available to watch on demand fairly soon after they conclude. The potential lack of on demand availabilty, if confirmed would be quite a big step back I think and surely not in keeping with how a lot of people consume content nowadays.


If games are available on demand (which seems like wishful thinking at this point) then I envisage a separate issue will arise, namely trying to avoid seeing the actual result before you watch the full replay. For example if you go into the Sky Sports app at present and click the RL section there is a lit of upcoming live games and underneath that a list of highlights, some of which give away the result of earlier games.

What's needed is a simple to use interface where completed games are avaible to watch on the streaming platform. This would need to be a separate screen to any highlights, clips or headlines relating to that sport. Again, this type of set up would seem to be available on far more basic streaming platforms so you would think it a safe bet that Sky could get this right.

This message was authored by PandJ2020 This message was authored by: PandJ2020

Re: Sky sports +

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@MarkyFletcher27 wrote:

...can only be watched live and not recorded/on demand.

Perhaps the licensee wouldn't grant such rights.

I am just another Sky customer and my views are my own
This message was authored by MarkyFletcher27 This message was authored by: MarkyFletcher27

Re: Sky sports +

I'm not sure who the licencee is here but I'm fairly sure that Super League are heavily reliant on Sky Sports money. I would assume it would be in everyone's interests to ensure that all games were available to watch as has been the case since the start of this season.


To br fair,  we as viewers are probably now taking for granted the ability to watch almost whatever we want whenever we want and in reality having 2 games per week on the linear channel is probably fine. It is almost certainly a step back though, unless on demand does come into play.


One other thing tm mentin is how little information is available directly from Sky here. As far as I can see communication around the Sky Sports Plus launch has been basically "Sky Sports Plus, coming soon, watch loads of stuff". This is probably not that accurate in reality, as at this point it appears that for individual customers they might actually be able to watch less than they previously could.


The poor initial communication from Sky is evidenced by the fact that there are at least 3 or 4 threads on thie first page of this board with customers asking reasonable questions that Sky should have addressed themselves as part of the launch (will on demand be available for example).


It'll probably all be fine and answers will be revealed in time but at this point it does seem quite poor.

This message was authored by Davehall This message was authored by: Davehall

Re: Recording more than 1 live match through the red button

I have just cancelled my sky sports one channel option.

I had just Sports Action and Arena as one channel but now I have Sports Action and Tennis. I can not stand tennis.

No one informed me of this change. I found out last night as I was unable to watch the Saints v Salford game.

But they wanted me to sign up for full Sky Sports package just to get Sky Sports + but I would not be able to watch one game and record another. Pointless


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