Discussion topic: Rugby League wanting to watch all games

This message was authored by karetaker This message was authored by: karetaker

Re: Sky sports +

The other thing with this new service is yes it's great that more events are now going to be covered live but if my understanding is correct you can only see them if you have Sky Q or Sky Glass which then  forces people to either choose to upgrade or just do without.

This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: Sky sports +

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@karetaker wrote:

The other thing with this new service is yes it's great that more events are now going to be covered live but if my understanding is correct you can only see them if you have Sky Q or Sky Glass which then  forces people to either choose to upgrade or just do without.

You can also watch on apple/Android mobile devices so even those with SKY HD can access them - albeit not via a TV

This message was authored by shedhead This message was authored by: shedhead

Re: Recording more than 1 live match through the red button

Precisely my issue that Tracey. Its a nonsense 

This message was authored by shedhead This message was authored by: shedhead

Re: Recording more than 1 live match through the red button

Which totally fefeats the object of showing all the games doesnt it. Its was brilliant before this rubbish 


This message was authored by TheHurleyBurleyBa This message was authored by: TheHurleyBurleyBa

Sky Sports + on Sky Q

Hi all, quick question. Will all the Rugby League (Super League) matches that are shown through Sky Sports + be available to watch at any time or only live?

With my work hours preventing me from seeing most of the games live, I used to record all 6 weekly matches on my Q box then watch them as and when I could. It would appear you can't pre-program your box to record the ones on Sports+, so will you be able to "stream" them individually afterwards or is it a case of if you can't watch it live, tough!!??



This message was authored by stereohaven This message was authored by: stereohaven

Re: Sky Sports + on Sky Q

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more



Based on there only being highlights of last nights game available (under 7 minutes), I'm going to say "no".


That may change in future I guess, but right now it seems to be "tough" as you suspect.


LG B6 OLED 55” | LG UP75 LCD 43” | Sky Q | Sky Q Mini | Apple TV 4K | SONOS Beam 2 | Sky Mobile | FTTC BT Halo 3+
This message was authored by Bobon This message was authored by: Bobon

Re: Recording more than 1 live match through the red button

Hi im a rugby league fan aswell and do wot u do.but now cant.big con by sky as u paying same amount but watching less sport.

This message was authored by graceland22 This message was authored by: graceland22

Sky Q box customers 2nd class citizens? The thin end of the wedge with Sky Sports+?

It seems that Sky Q box customers are headed for 2nd class citizen status. On launch of Sky Sports + I have lost Sky Q Box access to 4 of the six rugby league games being shown and have lost Sports Arena from my guide. They are only being shown on the Sky Sports+ streaming site. We cannot therefore watch or record the other matches being played simultaneously.  We are not getting what we paid for and appear to be being 'coralled' towards Sky Glass.

This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: Sky Q box customers 2nd class citizens? The thin end of the wedge with Sky Sports+?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@graceland22 wrote:

It seems that Sky Q box customers are headed for 2nd class citizen status. On launch of Sky Sports + I have lost Sky Q Box access to 4 of the six rugby league games being shown and have lost Sports Arena from my guide. They are only being shown on the Sky Sports+ streaming site. We cannot therefore watch or record the other matches being played simultaneously.  We are not getting what we paid for and appear to be being 'coralled' towards Sky Glass.

The SKY Sports + app is also on SKY Q so you can watch them there as well as on mobile devices such as Tablets - Glass/Stream has no advantage in this respect

This message was authored by stereohaven This message was authored by: stereohaven

Re: Sky Q box customers 2nd class citizens? The thin end of the wedge with Sky Sports+?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

I can see the same complaints starting tonight with the EFL matches. 

Ultimately the "corralling" going on is to start weaning everyone off of recording as content agreements change and advertisers clamp down on value (for them, not us).


I'm surprised that there isn't a full replay option available on any platform though, anyone "super" know if introducing them is part of the longer term plan?


LG B6 OLED 55” | LG UP75 LCD 43” | Sky Q | Sky Q Mini | Apple TV 4K | SONOS Beam 2 | Sky Mobile | FTTC BT Halo 3+
This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: Sky Q box customers 2nd class citizens? The thin end of the wedge with Sky Sports+?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@stereohaven wrote:

I can see the same complaints starting tonight with the EFL matches. 

Ultimately the "corralling" going on is to start weaning everyone off of recording as content agreements change and advertisers clamp down on value (for them, not us).


I'm surprised that there isn't a full replay option available on any platform though, anyone "super" know if introducing them is part of the longer term plan?

I think the football is slightly different to the Rugby as the Football games being shown on the Sports+ app are extra to what was previously shown whereas the Rugby games seem to have moved to the SPorts+app when they were previously shown on a regular (& recordable) channel


BTW @graceland22 Best to  send your feedback to SKY by  email  to Viewer Relations : viewerR@Sky.uk


P.S. I don;t think anyone outside SKY knows what will happen in future regarding any catch up replays

This message was authored by xenon81 This message was authored by: xenon81

Re: Sky Q box customers 2nd class citizens? The thin end of the wedge with Sky Sports+?

The Sky Sports+ experience is exactly the same on Glass/Stream. They don't get anything more than Sky Q.


Sky Sports Arena has been replaced by Sky Sports+ on all platforms. 

This message was authored by Stivey This message was authored by: Stivey

Re: Recording more than 1 live match through the red button

When this was first announced,  I canceled my subscription on the basis my current sports package (where I could tape and watch all RL matches) would not allow that anymore and would need to increase payment by a whopping 40% to get the same. 


After much debate they gave me the full sports package for the same amount I was already paying on the understanding this would allow me to continue uninterupted which I accepted in good faith


Yesterday I discovered they had not actually enabled chanell 412 for me (so had to do it myself) and today when I try to record tonights games, I discover both are on the red button and no option to record either is presented.


After 30 minutes on the phone with Sky's Technical Support team, where they insisted you can record, but couldn't actually tell me how, I was left with a "try later it should work then" response, which of course is technical speak for I don't know how to do this an now look stupid. 


It's very clear Sky's technical team have received no training or information about this. (a month ago when I received an email from Sky about this, their technical team said no such change to Sky Sports where taking place and insisted their own email was a phishing attempt!).


I've cancelled Sky Sports (full package) with immediate effect, no 31 days cancelation period because I've been mis-sold the package and lied to be an incompetent technical support team.


Rest of my contact expires in October (including braodband) it will be bye by Sky completely at that point after 30 years of being a customer. 


Shocking customer service and complete mistreatment of the sport I love are what finally brings this long standing relationship to an end. 



This message was authored by goldenfd This message was authored by: goldenfd

Re: Sky sports +

The only sport my husband follows is Rugby League and as he is disabled relies on being able to record the matches to watch when he feels well. Although you can aparently watch a game that is streamed they are streaming 2 at the same time tonight. How is that fair even if you can work out how to get onto the stream anyways. He feels this is a total rip off by Sky. In the past he could catch up and watch all the games at his leisure. 

This message was authored by xenon81 This message was authored by: xenon81

Re: Sky sports +

Sky have recently started making full Super League matches available to download from catch-up, instead of just 15 minute highlights. It may be that the matches only shown on Sky Sports+ are made available in this way. 


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