Discussion topic: Payment for sky sports box office order

This message was authored by Fireball+XL-5 This message was authored by: Fireball+XL-5

Payment for sky sports box office order

Been with Sky since 1999 and for the first time tonight I ordered a sky sports box office event, namely Fury Vs Usyk. When I say I ordered it I used the remote on my sky Q box to set it to record on the sky box office channel. As I've never done this before can someone just confirm how I'll be charged for it i.e. will it go onto next month's bill or will a charge be made to my credit card. Thanks in advance.

Best Answers
This message was authored by SKY1992bf This message was authored by: SKY1992bf Answer

Re: Payment for sky sports box office order

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Fireball+XL-5  the charge will be added to the next available bill to be generated once you watch a millisecond of either the live broadcast or repeat broadcast or recorded viewing 


if you don't watch a millisecond of either version you won't be charged 

Please note: I am just a sky customer not a employee - posts from sky employees are clearly marked as such
my setup: Samsung 5 series 32inc tv | sky +hd box | variety, SKY & TNT sports,sky cinema | Netflix and prime video
Please note: I only provide help on the main forums and not via PM
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