I have been experiencing the same issue of Netflix not loading via Sky Q box for nearly 12 months now.
Netflix is accessible from every other household device via the app or webpage but connecting via the Sky Q box often a NoNo. Not every time though...there have been occasions over the last 12 months when the profile screen has loaded but these are very few and far between, with most attempts resultingin the scrolling circle of death☹️
Spent many hours on the phone with Sky support many months ago who could not resolve and suggested contacting Netflix....Netflix advised not an issue with them and if Sky couldn't resolve the issue probably sits with my internet provided. Plusnet advised not them as I could access Netflix using other devices and the issue of not connecting to Netflix was solely with the Sky Q box. All other apps on Sky Q connect without issue.
Tried all the suggested fixes numerous times and not found a permanent fix. Occasionally Netflix does connect but these instances are few and far between and I am unable to identify any "fix" which works better than others.
One work around that does always appear to work is to bypass my home router and hotspot the Sky Q box via my mobile device and connect the Sky Q box to the internet via my mobile provider. So far a 100% success loading the Netflix app on Sky Q when connecting via mobile. Obviously not an acceptable fix as I do not have an unlimited data mobile plan 🙃. I have therefore tried a factory reset on my router to see if there is any legacy code stopping the Sky Q box connecting to Netflix but no, when Sky Q box connected back to my router it still fails to regularly connect.
Interestingly when I have connected Sky Q to my mobile device and connected to Netflix I can reset the Sky Q back to my home network and Netflix will continue to load to the profile page. However future attempts to connect to Netflix via my home network result in the circle of death returning and subsequent circle of death and connection issue page.