Discussion topic: Netflix has encountered an error. Code: tvq-st-102


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This message was authored by SunshineLeo This message was authored by: SunshineLeo

Re: Netflix often not working on SkyQ

I am seeing the red spinning circle

This message was authored by yatesstace This message was authored by: yatesstace

Re: Netflix often not working on SkyQ

Hi made my own thread on main sky Q page if anyone has any advice, short story

never had a Netflix account

logged into Netflix on sky Q via brothers account 

brother no longer shares

Wanted to get my own Netflix so go for the Netflix add on via sky

Came on here figured they have to unlink

Phoned up got absolutely no where as no one understands what I mean


can anyone honestly help me? I'm at wits end this shouldn't be hard, I'm willingly wanting them to add £10 onto my bill (Netflix standard) 



This message was authored by Chuck This message was authored by: Chuck

Re: Netflix often not working on SkyQ

Hi ... Menu didn't show after numerous attempts So unplugged tv, box & WIFI - waited 5 mins then reconnected everything - after 80 mins Netflix opened ... We never had a problem until we went superfast broadband - signal drops out about 3 to 5 times a day & Netflix became a right pain

This message was authored by Esmg This message was authored by: Esmg

Re: Netflix often not working on SkyQ

I'm not sure I understand your problem either, sorry! 

Assume you are saying now you can't use your brothers Netflix account you'll need a new one of your own. Which you are going to or have signed up to as part of your SkyQ. 

So you just set that up as a new Netflix account following SkyQ and Netflix process. You won't be able to see any shows you had saved or bookmarked or listed via you brothers account, but you should be able to save and set up lists on the new account t of your own.


is that wrong or not working or what other problem is there?

This message was authored by Esmg This message was authored by: Esmg

Re: Netflix often not working on SkyQ

Above post in response to @yatesstace post a couple or so earlier. I thought if I hit reply it would quote that post on the reply or link to it. More fool me!

This message was authored by yatesstace This message was authored by: yatesstace

Re: Netflix often not working on SkyQ

Yeah not far off, but when I hit the sign up via sky button it just brings me to a screen that says I've already got an account via sky which I haven't. At the bottom it says sky can unlink, but they are useless on the phone 

This message was authored by yatesstace This message was authored by: yatesstace

Re: Netflix often not working on SkyQ


This message was authored by Esmg This message was authored by: Esmg

Re: Netflix often not working on SkyQ

This message was authored by yatesstace This message was authored by: yatesstace

Re: Netflix often not working on SkyQ

Nope unfortunately not

This message was authored by Wisejoanne This message was authored by: Wisejoanne

Re: Netflix often not working on SkyQ

I get the red spinning circle every time, it's so annoying. When will it be fixed?

This message was authored by Esmg This message was authored by: Esmg

Re: Netflix often not working on SkyQ


sorry to hear that. In which case it seems like try calling sky again, but you "may" be over complicating it with all the Netflix background story. What if you cut it right back to how do I unlink an old sky account so I can set up a new one?

This message was authored by yatesstace This message was authored by: yatesstace

Re: Netflix often not working on SkyQ

Yeah. Will phone again in time. The last person I spoke to today was meant to do exactly that job, I couldn't have simplified it for her enough, just one of these things. Hope to sort it cos it looks like on my account the add on is active but obvcourse I can't access the services 

This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous

Re: Netflix often not working on SkyQ

@yatesstace wrote:

Hi made my own thread on main sky Q page if anyone has any advice, short story

never had a Netflix account

logged into Netflix on sky Q via brothers account 

brother no longer shares

Wanted to get my own Netflix so go for the Netflix add on via sky

Came on here figured they have to unlink

Phoned up got absolutely no where as no one understands what I mean


can anyone honestly help me? I'm at wits end this shouldn't be hard, I'm willingly wanting them to add £10 onto my bill (Netflix standard) 



Perhaps try https://helpforum.sky.com/t5/Sky-Q/Need-to-unlink-Netflix-from-my-son-s-account/td-p/4333039

This message was authored by BaileyGB This message was authored by: BaileyGB

Re: Netflix often not working on SkyQ

@Wisejoanne wrote:

I get the red spinning circle every time, it's so annoying. When will it be fixed?


Please refer to @Sam9999's fix on page 14 

This message was authored by yatesstace This message was authored by: yatesstace

Re: Netflix often not working on SkyQ

@Anonymous That thread is very close to my situation. Think just need to be patient on the phone as I said the first guy said that he'd phone me back but waited 2 days with nothing and when I called yesterday I think it just made it worse because no one knew what I was talking about. I will now need to phone again as I can see Netflix on my sky app main page when listing my package but don't see it in the next few months bills yet?? Don't know if I'm getting charged or not for it...again don't have access so I refuse to pay for this until I get the services working if they have activated it 


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