Discussion topic: Netflix has encountered an error. Code: tvq-st-102


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This message was authored by Ken66 This message was authored by: Ken66

Re: Netflix Won't Load / Spinning Circle

Call for engineer we all pay enough

This message was authored by BaileyGB This message was authored by: BaileyGB

Re: Netflix Won't Load / Spinning Circle

@Ken66 wrote:

Call for engineer we all pay enough

Good luck with that one

This message was authored by Laing1 This message was authored by: Laing1

Re: Netflix Won't Load / Spinning Circle

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Ken66 wrote:

Call for engineer we all pay enough

@Ken66 have you read the holding answer on page 1 that Sky are investigating this along with netflix, an engineer would be unable to do anything and would just take an engineer away from someone else whos system does need an engineers visit 

I may be a Sky Superuser but I am still just a Sky customer

Sky Q 2 TB (Silver)Box, 2 Mini boxes since June 2016, all connected by wifi
Sky Broadband Hub/SR203, Sky Ultrafast broadband
Ultimate on Demand, Q Experience/UHD, Sky Sports, Sky Cinema
LG 49SJ 810 V UHD TV, Google Pixel 7 Pro mobile
This message was authored by Ken66 This message was authored by: Ken66

Re: Netflix Won't Load / Spinning Circle

Well Sky better hurry up, then.

Unless corporate 

This message was authored by Ken66 This message was authored by: Ken66

Re: Netflix Won't Load / Spinning Circle

Engineer is booked 🤣

This message was authored by BaileyGB This message was authored by: BaileyGB

Re: Netflix Won't Load / Spinning Circle

@Ken66 wrote:

Engineer is booked 🤣

Have you tried this:

Can you try these steps please:

1 - Log into Netflix via the web browser.

2 - Highlight your profile picture (Top right corner).

3 -  Click on Account.

4 - Under the Security and Privacy option, click on Manage access and devices.

5 - Select the device name: (it may be called SkyQ ......or Sky UK Set-top box).

6 - Select--> click on the "Sign out" option on the SkyQ ......or Sky UK Set-top box.

7 - Go to your SkyQ box and launch the Netflix app on your SkyQ box.

This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous

Re: Netflix Won't Load / Spinning Circle

@Ken66 wrote:

Engineer is booked 🤣

Did they explain that it may be chargeable if it's found to be a nonsense call out?

This message was authored by DC091 This message was authored by: DC091

Re: Netflix Won't Load / Spinning Circle

Netflix spinning last few times we have tried to open the app

This message was authored by BaileyGB This message was authored by: BaileyGB

Re: Netflix Won't Load / Spinning Circle

@DC091 wrote:

Netflix spinning last few times we have tried to open the app

Please refer to fix 2 posts above yours.

This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous

Re: Netflix Won't Load / Spinning Circle

I found it interesting that when I was setting up the new Sky Q box yesterday we were already signed in on Netflix. Happily (as I'd not considered it) it worked straight away with maybe a few seconds extra loading while it connected.


When I checked online, despite doing a factory reset on the old box, it still listed it online in devices.

This message was authored by SkyCustomer124 This message was authored by: SkyCustomer124

Re: Netflix not moving from spinning red circle

this has started to happen to me consistently for the past month now and it's so irritating. Tried all the advice posted but still inconsistently working. Has there been any update on when this will be fixed?

This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: Netflix Won't Load / Spinning Circle

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

That list will be a record netflix have of which devices have connected "recently" (whatever expiry timeout they might have, seems to be very long). So the factory reset won't change that.

This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: Netflix not moving from spinning red circle

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@SkyCustomer124 wrote:

this has started to happen to me consistently for the past month now and it's so irritating. Tried all the advice posted but still inconsistently working. Has there been any update on when this will be fixed?


This message was authored by Nick96c This message was authored by: Nick96c

Re: Netflix not moving from spinning red circle

I thought I had posted a response yesterday,but it did not seem to appear.


I think my issue has gone away and i did the following to stop it continuously spinning.


1/ Log onto the Netflix App, on my phone.

2/ Click on the "My Netflix" symbol in the bottom right corner.

2/ Click on the 3 horizontal lines (Menu) at the top right.

3/ Click on the "Account" line.

4/ Scroll down to "Security & Privacy" section.

5/ Click on the "Manage access and devices" line.

6/ I then signed out of any device that was old or duplicated. I also signed out of the "Sky UK Set-top box". This means you have to sign back in when you get back to Sky.


Since then the issue has stopped.


I hope that helps.

This message was authored by TL2 This message was authored by: TL2

Re: Netflix often not working on SkyQ

Trying to open Netflix and it is stuck on the home page with the red spinning circle. 😞 


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