Discussion topic: Netflix has encountered an error. Code: tvq-st-102


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This message was authored by Kate231 This message was authored by: Kate231

Netflix won’t load on Sky Q mini box

When I try to open Netflix on my mini box I get the Netflix screen with a spinning red circle but it doesn't load. I've tried the app refresh but that hasn't worked

Netflix is working on the main sky a box.

This message was authored by AaronTF This message was authored by: AaronTF

Re: Netflix often not working on SkyQ

I've had this on 2 boxes now. Last year my multiroom sky q box would never load netflix with a constant ring circling. Simply turning it off and on again at the power socket fixed this every time. We upgraded our sky broadband and it seemed to stop doing it, not once since. It was really frastrating this year when my main Sky Q box did exactly the same thing but resetting it didnt work. I read a post on here that eventually worked for me and as silly as it sounds, it works every time. As before, switch it off at the power plug but also remove the hdmi lead from the back of the box. I leave it a minute and turn the power back on and wait another minute before i plug the hdmi lead back into the box. Done

This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: Netflix often not working on SkyQ

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@AaronTF wrote:

I've had this on 2 boxes now. Last year my multiroom sky q box would never load netflix with a constant ring circling. Simply turning it off and on again at the power socket fixed this every time. We upgraded our sky broadband and it seemed to stop doing it, not once since. It was really frastrating this year when my main Sky Q box did exactly the same thing but resetting it didnt work. I read a post on here that eventually worked for me and as silly as it sounds, it works every time. As before, switch it off at the power plug but also remove the hdmi lead from the back of the box. I leave it a minute and turn the power back on and wait another minute before i plug the hdmi lead back into the box. Done

That's not normally recommended because a live socket produces an arc (only 5V but you sometimes see a spark) and there's the potential to damage something. Interesting that it solves your problem!!

This message was authored by AaronTF This message was authored by: AaronTF

Re: Netflix often not working on SkyQ

You mean reinserting the hdmi into the sky box once its turned on at the plug? I didnt realise that was a potential issue. Oh well, regardless it works and no damage so far. No other fixes work for me

This message was authored by Tom-W19 This message was authored by: Tom-W19

Re: Netflix won’t load on Sky Q mini box

Posted by a Sky employee

Hi @Kate231 


Your post has been escalated to our Community Messaging team who will invite you to a private chat shortly and help you with this.

Just look out for the chat bubble to start the conversation.


Here's more information on how Community Messaging works - https://community.sky.com/t5/Did-you-know/Escalating-a-post-to-a-Sky-expert/ba-p/3711147

This message was authored by Ange27007 This message was authored by: Ange27007

Re: Netflix often not working on SkyQ

Well.. had mine working for 3 days solid and now I'm back to the red circle of death I dispair! 2 months like this. 

This message was authored by Eddy99 This message was authored by: Eddy99

Re: Netflix Won't Load / Spinning Circle



Your post has been escalated to our Community Messaging team who will invite you to a private chat shortly and help you with this.


What are the Community Messaging team doing to help fix this can this just not be posted here?


ps:- if this is the only way can i be helped too please, nothing suggested in this 33 page thread works for me. Thank you.

*Computer, Technology, and IT Literate*
This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: Netflix Won't Load / Spinning Circle

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Eddy99 wrote:



Your post has been escalated to our Community Messaging team who will invite you to a private chat shortly and help you with this.


What are the Community Messaging team doing to help fix this can this just not be posted here?


ps:- if this is the only way can i be helped too please, nothing suggested in this 33 page thread works for me. Thank you.

Probably a step by step troubleshootibg which is context dependent.


I'll escalate yours too. (Put the wrong comment on my escalation but I'm sure the Sky team will figure that out!)

This message was authored by Walkdel This message was authored by: Walkdel

Re: Netflix Won't Load / Spinning Circle

It started working for a couple of days earlier in the week but hasn't loaded for 2 days now, so frustrating 😡

This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: Netflix Won't Load / Spinning Circle

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Walkdel wrote:

It started working for a couple of days earlier in the week but hasn't loaded for 2 days now, so frustrating 😡

I've said it before but ... why bother winding yourself up? Just use the TV app.

This message was authored by MarkJ22 This message was authored by: MarkJ22

Re: Netflix Won't Load / Spinning Circle

@Chodley wrote:

@Walkdel wrote:

It started working for a couple of days earlier in the week but hasn't loaded for 2 days now, so frustrating 😡

I've said it before but ... why bother winding yourself up? Just use the TV app.

I'm sorry. But you keep saying this and it's both repetitive and insensitive 


This forum is a place for Sky customers to have their say, vent their spleen, share helpful advice and share experiences 


The fact that sky is currently advertising the sky/netflix package shows that they want customers to sign up to this. And then when we do it doesn't work.


We all know we can watch NF in our smart TV mini box lap top iPad or phone so to keep in saying it (7 times so far) is just ridiculous.


If you can't add anything to the discussion then please don't say anything!!!

This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: Netflix Won't Load / Spinning Circle

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@MarkJ22 wrote:

@Chodley wrote:

@Walkdel wrote:

It started working for a couple of days earlier in the week but hasn't loaded for 2 days now, so frustrating 😡

I've said it before but ... why bother winding yourself up? Just use the TV app.

I'm sorry. But you keep saying this and it's both repetitive and insensitive 


This forum is a place for Sky customers to have their say, vent their spleen, share helpful advice and share experiences 


The fact that sky is currently advertising the sky/netflix package shows that they want customers to sign up to this. And then when we do it doesn't work.


We all know we can watch NF in our smart TV mini box lap top iPad or phone so to keep in saying it (7 times so far) is just ridiculous.


If you can't add anything to the discussion then please don't say anything!!!

Vent their spleen? Ok mate. Very constructive.


advising people that this problem is not going away soon and to stop smashing their own heads into a brick wall and use an alternative that just works is imho useful advice. You can carry on trying to police what I post if you like and I'll carry on ignoring you since you're adding nothing useful by doing so. Just because you know something doesn't mean everyone knows it.

This message was authored by Ekennedy This message was authored by: Ekennedy

My Netflix won’t load on my sky Q.. circle keeps spinning. Can anyone help?

Netflix won't load on my sky Q. Circle keeps spinning and buffering. Can anyone help?

This message was authored by Quoman7 This message was authored by: Quoman7

Re: My Netflix won’t load on my sky Q.. circle keeps spinning. Can anyone help?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Ekennedy wrote:

Netflix won't load on my sky Q. Circle keeps spinning and buffering. Can anyone help?

Hi @Ekennedy Try rebooting your router by removing the power cable for 30 sec then reconnect to reboot, then reboot your main SKYQ box by turning the power off at the socket for 30 sec then turn back on?

I used to have superpowers… But a therapist took them away.
This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: My Netflix won’t load on my sky Q.. circle keeps spinning. Can anyone help?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

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