Discussion topic: Netflix has encountered an error. Code: tvq-st-102


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This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: Netflix often not working on SkyQ

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

 And I just had an idea...


next time you can be bothered to get it to work, go to "get help" at the bottom and "check network Speed". See what that comes up with. This is mine just now


This message was authored by Addie15 This message was authored by: Addie15

Re: Netflix won’t load after Prime

Posted by a Sky employee

Update-We are closing this invite now due to no response within 48 hours. If you s till need help, please let us know so we can re-escalate this for you. Thanks.

This message was authored by Whasaname This message was authored by: Whasaname

Re: Netflix won’t load after Prime

I've had zero response and still have the same issue

This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: Netflix won’t load after Prime

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Whasaname wrote:

I've had zero response and still have the same issue

Zero response to what? Did you get the blue chat bubble come up? It appears when the invitation to chat is sent and should stay visible on the site for 48 hours.

This message was authored by JJ1977 This message was authored by: JJ1977

Netflix app swirling icon

When I try to go onto Netflix through our sky Q box, the swirling icon just goes round and round. The app doesn't open.

Netflix does work on my phone/iPad, etc, just not on the sky box.

it's been like this for a couple of days. 

This message was authored by 71MK This message was authored by: 71MK

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

Hi - have SKY come up with the answer for this as yet as I am havng the same problem, I can load Netflix on m y TV directly but not via SKY which is frustrating!

This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

@71MK wrote:

Hi - have SKY come up with the answer for this as yet as I am havng the same problem, I can load Netflix on m y TV directly but not via SKY which is frustrating!

Have you tried the "answer" on the first page?

This message was authored by BaileyGB This message was authored by: BaileyGB

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

I don't want to tempt fate, but my Netflix has been loading as normal for the past 3 days and I did nothing to it. Saying that, it will probably pack up again now!😆

This message was authored by Sam9999 This message was authored by: Sam9999

Re: Netflix often not working on SkyQ

Found a solution to this issue. You need to go to your netflix account through a web browser. Then go to "manage devices" and then "sign out" of the device name "SkyQ..........". Then go to your SkyQ and open up netflx through SkyQ. It will automatically log you in without credentials. It worked for me and Netflix has been working flawlessly since then. It just needed to sign out as it was signed in for over a year on the SkyQ box. 

This message was authored by Leemand This message was authored by: Leemand

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

Worked for a few days but now the 'red wheel of doom' has returned 😡

This message was authored by Ange27007 This message was authored by: Ange27007

Re: Netflix often not working on SkyQ

Funnily enough I did that yesterday,signed out but it still wouldn't work but today it's working.. fingers crossed it stays like that 

This message was authored by Dave+Boddy This message was authored by: Dave+Boddy

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

Just to concur but the "answer" provided on the first page actually worked!


Just to add that you need to log into your Netflix account on the actual internet ie Netflix.com 


Tap on your profile then log into your Account details (icon top right hand side of the webpage), then scroll to the bottom of the webpage as indicated in the "answer"

This message was authored by Sea+dave This message was authored by: Sea+dave

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

@Sleekitwan well the BBC app first just worked for me. So will retry tomorrow.

This message was authored by Muffinx This message was authored by: Muffinx

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

Has anyone from Sky team commented on this and provided an ETA for a fix yet?


We dropped all Sky packages and just went for TV Essentials package a few months back, which is just Freeview with the ability to record. We kept Sky and are paying monthly just for this and the record option because the family have taken a liking to the Sky voice remote and general Sky UI, and also ease of app selection, all on one box.

However, all that goodwill goes out the window if our main Netflix app is frequently not working.


I assume this temporary workaround has been mentioned already, but just in case.... I figured a few apps run in the background, so rather than power cycle the box, if Netflix is playing up I just cycle through 3-4 apps like Prime, BBC itvx, and YouTube to bump Netflix out of the background. I then try Netflix again and after a short delay it's back to working for a while. Not a permanent fix though;

This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: Netflix app crashing/won't load

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

It has (some people said one app, some said a few) and your question about Sky was also asked and partly answered a few posts above yours.


There was further commentary from Kirsty saying they are still looking into it after a few people provided some details. MAC address of the box I think.


ETAs for fixes are as reliable as long range weather forecasts and no, one hasn't been provided but I'm guessing "not soon" given how long it's taken so far.


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