Discussion topic: Apple iPhone User? Ported a Number to Sky?

This message was authored by Adamlfc23 This message was authored by: Adamlfc23

Re: Apple iPhone User? Ported a Number to Sky?



been with sky now since November and had on and off issues receiving verification messages to acces certain sites and my banking app. Once again over the last few days I cannot access my accounts as my sky mobile is not receiving these verification code texts and I'm sick of it, is there anyone I can contact to cancel as I'm paying money for a service I cannot use and it's now stopping me from accessing sites I need.

This message was authored by ESD1711 This message was authored by: ESD1711

Re: Apple iPhone User? Ported a Number to Sky?

For many many years, Sky have tried to convince me to bring my mobile phone over to them. Each time I've declined that offer as I was happy with my provider at the time (3). However, i was long overdue a new handset, so in looking for my new one - I decided I was finally going to move over to sky, purchased a new iPhone 14 pro from them and took out a plan with them. Since then it's been nothing but trouble and I am 100% regretting ever making the switch. 

Phone and sim arrived promptly next day which was great but it's been downhill from there. Activated the sim last Thursday and got the confirmation that my number switch had happened successfully and I was up and running with my old PAC'd number. Immediately there were problems in that the SIM card in the handset wouldn't recognised my old number and the iPhone setting couldn't be updated manually to show that number. 

On the Friday I spoke with someone about this and they informed me that I'd need a replacement SIM card and that would he with me next day and would solve all the problems. That SIM card didn't arrive till Tuesday meaning I was unreachable by sms or phone for 5 days. 

New sim arrived and I activated it and popped it in to the phone - the SIM card this time set the number setting to be blank, but I was at least able to update it this time. Problem solved, right? Wrong. 

Still I was unable to receive sms or voice calls and still I was unable to activate iMessage or FaceTime. 

Called sky back and dealt with one of the most unpleasant call operators I've ever dealt with in my life who proceeded to tell me lies and blatant false information. Her suggestion was that all my problems were due to having the mobile data setting on my phone set to 5G Auto whilst I was in a non 5G area, so she asked me to switch that off and she then proceeded, without my authorisation I might add, to completely remove the 5G add on from my account. 

I tried to tell her that this was nonsensical and that just because I wasn't currently in a 5G covered area that that was no reason to switch it off, nor was it likely to have anything to do with the issue - if I've got 5G switched on and I'm not in a 5G area, this should revert back to 4G coverage without having to switch it on or off. 

She became blatantly rude huffing and puffing down the phone to me so I requested to speak to a manager which she said she would do. Instead she puts me through to a poor young chap in the cancellation department who has no idea what he's just been dropped in to and isn't the right person to fix the problem anyhow. 

By this point I've been on the phone for over 50mins trying to resolve this and had run out of time before having to go out. So rather than let him transfer me to the right department - I had to let the call end. 

Since that call yesterday - I've had some messages and calls come through which I thought pointed to this having been resolved - but alas, nope. There's still a problem and I've still not been able to activate iMessage or FaceTime. 

Tonight I took it up with Apple support and after another 30mins of back and forth and trying various different things - the conclusion was that this is a carrier problem, not a device problem.


The Apple support had me try to text HELP to 48369 which failed immediately and that is essentially the problem I believe. 

Whatever it is that's wrong is preventing certain sms traffic back and forth which is what's stopping the iMessage and FaceTime activation from working. 

I will have had my new phone a week tomorrow and it's still not working correctly and I have zero faith that I'm actually getting all the texts and calls I should be - and Sky have been totally useless in trying to fix the situation which is THEIR problem.

I will be contacting them AGAIN tomorrow with an ultimatum of sorts - this is either sorted tomorrow or I will be cancelling my contract with them and going elsewhere because this is utterly shambolic - made even worse by how common an issue this seems to be on this forum. 


This message was authored by k4l5i6 This message was authored by: k4l5i6

Re: Apple iPhone User? Ported a Number to Sky?



I am totally with you at how painful it is, I was Tesco before sky and liked how easy it was to walk into the shop and speak to a human, I cannot think of a good reason why I switched... clearly had an off day 🤦🏼‍♀️!


However! I did manage to resolve a very similar issue. When you speak to sky again ask to speak to someone in the mobile technical dept if you haven't already. It sounds like your PAC didn't work properly, the tech team raised this for me and within a few hours my phone came to life! I did annoyingly have to reset my phone and re-install from the last back up of my old phone to fully get it working but I was just so happy it worked and I didn't loose much as I hadn't been getting texts anyway. I did make a complaint with sky after it was done as it shouldn't have taken the level of stress it did and time to sort out something that should have been so simple.  

Hope you manage to get it resolved.

This message was authored by Adamlfc23 This message was authored by: Adamlfc23

Re: Apple iPhone User? Ported a Number to Sky?

Has anyone contacted Sky on 150? I've tried to contact them numerous times regarding not receiving text notifications and I was informed by the SKY advisor that I need to provide my credit card details for them to charge £1 to remove parental control settings in order to get these texts to work.


I've never known a company like this and I've never know a company demand credit card details to charge me to receive text services that are part of my allowance that I already pay for.

This message was authored by ESD1711 This message was authored by: ESD1711

Re: Apple iPhone User? Ported a Number to Sky?

Latest update - another 30mins on the phone this morning has resulted in an escalation to the 'partial port team'. 

These guys are looking in to it and will get back to me in the next 48 hours apparently. 

This advisor was considerably more helpful than the last, and agreed what she was doing chasing 5G settings was utterly incorrect and also questioned why she didn't choose to escalate this to the correct team as well. 

Meanwhile - the guy on the phone this time tried to send me a text and that never arrived either so I'm back to having zero faith that I'm actually receiving all the messages which are being sent to me. 

Massive massive failings on Sky's side from the sounds of things. This is not good enough. 

This message was authored by RoseD92 This message was authored by: RoseD92

Re: Apple iPhone User? Ported a Number to Sky?

I ported my number from O2 and I've received an email from Sky to say it's all up and running but when I put the new sim in and try to change the number in settings, I click save and it goes back to the temporary number. 
I did have a text yesterday to say there was a delay but a couple of hours later I had an email. Do I need to wait for another text? Or is there an issue with porting my number?

This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: Apple iPhone User? Ported a Number to Sky?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@RoseD92 wrote:

but a couple of hours later I had an email. 

What did this email say ?

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This message was authored by RoseD92 This message was authored by: RoseD92

Re: Apple iPhone User? Ported a Number to Sky?

The email said my number has been successfully transferred.

I've now managed to follow the steps and I have sorted my number but my FaceTime/iMessage isn't working, I've tried to re-add my phone number to my Apple ID and it says it's sent me a verification code but I haven't received any texts so I'm unsure if it's working!

This message was authored by Bambi18 This message was authored by: Bambi18

Re: Apple iPhone User? Ported a Number to Sky?

Why is my email not working 

This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: Apple iPhone User? Ported a Number to Sky?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


What email and how it this tied into Sky Mobile where you have posted ?

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This message was authored by Big+den This message was authored by: Big+den

Re: Apple iPhone User? Ported a Number to Sky?

Hi just purchased a Newington i phone 14 ported number from ee but not much luck we had a messaged from sky saying all good and phone up and running. But we can recive texts and voicemail but can not phone out or receive phone calls. Very frustrating.

This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: Apple iPhone User? Ported a Number to Sky?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Have you followed the advice to cehck that your iphone is now displaying the correct number within the settings ?

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This message was authored by nik988 This message was authored by: nik988

Mobile number wont save on my device

I'm having trouble saving my number to my device, ever time i press save it just goes back to the temp number. I'm receiving calls fine but for some reason my phone wont let me save the number in use? tried turning off and on but nothing seems to work?

This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: Mobile number wont save on my device

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


If you have tried this multiple times and it still will not save and if Sky have told you that your number has transferred to the sim then you could try ordering yourself a replacement sim:



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This message was authored by 1111111megan This message was authored by: 1111111megan

Re: Apple iPhone User? Ported a Number to Sky?



I have requested to change my number from my old provider (EE) around a 3 weeks ago. It has still not changed over to my requested number it is still showing my sky sim number.


I have followed all instructions to add my number number under settings however this is still reverting back to my sky number not the number I require.






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