‎22 Mar 2025 10:24 PM
I've had the sync issue again this afternoon on Sky News after advert breaks. Also on Sky on Sky Atlantic this evening which I've never seen before, but this is the first time I've watched Sky Atlantic in ages.
But I don't think it's fixed personally, I think it's an improvement, but definitely not fixed.
‎22 Mar 2025 10:30 PM
Mmm interesting mine has completely improved
‎22 Mar 2025 11:38 PM
Still happening on non updated puck, tonight on Discovery Sci channel...channel change fixed it as normal
‎23 Mar 2025 06:03 PM
I also have sound sync problems on most channels , I've tried the changes that are suggested but no difference, sky changed my glass tv in February so I presume I have the latest software, where d9 I go from here? I now wish that I had stayed with my original Hitachi tv.
‎23 Mar 2025 06:07 PM
@Boschman In settings you can check your version number. Can you take a look and let us know please?
Settings > System Management > Systtem Info
‎23 Mar 2025 07:09 PM
In which case can perhaps our 'super user' fans of Sly Glass answer the following questions as I seriously have lost the will to live.
1. Why when watching a problem for a hefty amount of time does the screen go black and you get the message at the top of the screen "waiting for you programme to load"
2. You start watching a programme using the "Watch from start" after it has been going for about 5-10 minutes, but you cannot use the fast forward facility
3. You are engrossed in a TV programme and all of a sudden the TV turns off, cannot be turned back on until you wait 10 minutes to find that it has completed I imagine an update
4. You sit up watching a programme and see that the next film on Film4 is a film that you think that you could watch again and so add to your playlist. You then find time to watch it, but only if you join Sly Cinema
5. You are fascinated in a programme and normally at an interesting point the Sly Glass says that you no longer have internet connection. However, checking the router, your phone, a laptop and just about every other piece of equipment that uses the internet, you find that nothing else has lost the signal. Weirdly the router is no more than 24 inches from the Glass and you constantly get over 500MB per second
Can you answer these questions with the same zeal and ardour that you have been in support of the sound delay?
‎23 Mar 2025 07:55 PM
I have the same issues and would be interested in hearing what Sky/Superusers have to say. I rue the day I ever went over to Sky Glass!
‎23 Mar 2025 08:17 PM
I am on the latest "fix", QS035.010.00P. It is still early days to confirm if it is an improvement, as this usually gets worse with popular broadcasts. That said, it does seem like an imporovement, not an actual fix. The sound still drifted out of sync by ½ second, or so, on this morning's F1 broadcast.
I am starting to suspect it is broken because of the incompetent way Sky is trying to set up a way to infuse more commercials into broadcasts and particularly into replays/playlist. Kind of what Sky is doing on the useless Sky Go app, with broken adds seemingly playing at first start?
I am not paying around a hundred quid a month for this kind of useless service, Sky. This is long past what's acceptable.
‎23 Mar 2025 08:46 PM
I would be asking for a new TV.
I have the sync sound sync problems.
But i havent experienced any of the other issues you have said.
I have experienced a black screen with waiting for program to load, oddly enough, normally on ITV.
We have also experienced the no internet connection whilst other devices have connection, but only once, and not in the middle of a program.
That said with regards the film 4 issue, i think their package management is disgusting, I pay £30+ pm for sports, yet on a saturday ive experienced the soccer show on, Main event, Sky sports PL, Sky sports news, Sky max and 1 other channel but i cant remmebr which. £30 a month to have the program on 5 channels, not to mention, one of those channels comes in the entertainment package.
The quicker Elon Musk comes up with a tv package to rival sky the better. Surprised Jeff Bezos hasnt looked into it, because until sky has competition they literally dont give a sh*t. Dont get me started on my phone contract!!!
‎24 Mar 2025 06:48 AM
Any info on when pucks should receive new update?