Discussion topic: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

This message was authored by Jenghis This message was authored by: Jenghis

Re: Sky Glass - Subtitles unavailable for UHD AND HD programmes

Sky have not been providing subtitles for UHD content since 2017 when the service was first launched. Sky have over 6 years of customer complaints regardnig this issue and have ignored each complaints.


There is absolutely no technical barrier or issue to make subtitles availabe on UHD content. Sky have elected to ignore and dissmiss.


Individuals that have sensory hearing loss, partial hearing loss or other hearing conditions that impare speech recognition or restrict the ability to process sounds.


Each and everyone of the conditions, plus many more are all classed as a form of disability. The individuals who suffer from these conditions rely entirely on subtitles to fully enjoy and appreciate content.


For some reason Sky are under the illusion that subtiles are a perk or a bonus - I have never known an organisation that has demonstrated such arrogance and utter disregard for such a prolonged period of time - Over half a decade!!


This basic accessibily is provided by default on all major streaming services. Services that entered the market years after Sky but had subtitled UHD content from day one.


I struggle to find words in any language to describe the treachory and disgust that is felt by those who rely so heavily on subtitles. Sky's unyeilding stance over the years serves only to confirm an organistaion that  is deviod of any shame or self respect.


In any event it takes a special bunch of degenerates and low lifes to deliver a truly rotten service.


This message was authored by AAmet This message was authored by: AAmet

Still no subtitles on sky Q uhd

I've just raised a complaint to sky as still no subtitles on uhd channels . Quite embarrassing as Apple TV +. Netflix , Amazon prime , paramount+ all have it . 

This message was authored by KevNewMedia This message was authored by: KevNewMedia

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

Posted by a Sky employee

Hello Everyone


Thank you for your posts regarding this issue.


We have a project in progress to improve subtitle coverage across our content, and this includes subtitles for On Demand UHD content. This is expected to be available to customers from Summer 2023.  While not yet in UHD, we do now subtitle 100% of programmes on all Sky Cinema and Sky entertainment channels.

Community Manager
Topic Author
This message was authored by Witchypool This message was authored by: Witchypool

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

Does this include retro subtitling existing shows like The Midwich Cuckoos and Lucky Man which were your own shows?

Sky Q
Ultrafast Full Fibre Broadband
SR203 Router
This message was authored by Grumpy+Gran This message was authored by: Grumpy+Gran

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

@KevNewMedia  I'll take your post with a pinch of salt and a large dollop of hope. Many projects can be in progress - it doesn't mean that they are ever completed. 
Will only believe it when I see a magical post that says:

*******"UHD SUBTITLES LIVE!"***********

This message was authored by KevNewMedia This message was authored by: KevNewMedia

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

Posted by a Sky employee

@Witchypool wrote:

Does this include retro subtitling existing shows like The Midwich Cuckoos and Lucky Man which were your own shows?

That's correct @Witchypool 

Community Manager
Topic Author
This message was authored by Witchypool This message was authored by: Witchypool

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

Just checked the UHD version of Midwich Cuckoos NO SUBTITLES so when is this happening?

Just another promise broken.

Sky Q
Ultrafast Full Fibre Broadband
SR203 Router
This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Witchypool wrote:

Just checked the UHD version of Midwich Cuckoos NO SUBTITLES so when is this happening?

Just another promise broken.

"There is a project in progress", which suggests it has not been completed yet

I am Neurodivergent Sky+HD  LG NanoCell TV  Xbox
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This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Witchypool wrote:

Just checked the UHD version of Midwich Cuckoos NO SUBTITLES so when is this happening?

Just another promise broken.

Perhaps you  missed @KevNewMedia's post?

This message was authored by Grumpy+Gran This message was authored by: Grumpy+Gran

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

@Witchypool - if you're feeling like me, vote with your wallet- if UHD hasn't got subtitles don't pay for UHD. I cancelled my subscription and to be quite honest I can cope with Sky programmes in HD until they finally manage to get their act together.  If you go to settings you can default to HD and get subtitles with Midwich Cuckoos etc. 

This message was authored by AAmet This message was authored by: AAmet

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

Unfortunately not good enough frankly even embarrassing . If you want to be a serious streaming contender to the likes of Netflix , Amazon Prime, Apple+ , Disney+ should have happened a long time ago. 

This message was authored by gsdfgfb This message was authored by: gsdfgfb

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

A simple but obvious answer. We really should all have done this.  Why pay for nice football pictures when you can't here dislogue on many dramas. 

This message was authored by Ant+Inwood This message was authored by: Ant+Inwood

Can't believe that with all the technology at Sky's disposal why you can't het subtitles on UHD??

Need a tech boffin from Sky to explain. If you say you're working on it that's been the same answer for the last 3 years at least!!

This message was authored by Daniel0210 This message was authored by: Daniel0210

Re: Can't believe that with all the technology at Sky's disposal why you can't het subtitles on UHD?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


I have moved your post into a thread on this subject. Please see the post currently showing as the answer. 

▪️I AM NOT A SKY EMPLOYEE (undercover or otherwise) ▪️
Sky customer since 2001
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This message was authored by vanmunchen This message was authored by: vanmunchen

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

It was said UHD subtitling was expected in summer. It's now June. Is this summer?


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