Discussion topic: Subtitles on UHD Sky Q?


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This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: Subtitles on UHD Sky Q?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Sky provide the system for other channels to broadcast on the individual channels are responsible for their own programming, sky have no control over what other channels supply


If the BBC don't want to supply subtitles then sky cannot request the do, it is up to you to complain directly to the BBC


Only the BBC will know why there are no subtitles

I am Neurodivergent Sky+HD  LG NanoCell TV  Xbox
My F•A•Qs: Sky GlassSky StreamSky GoSky Plus
This message was authored by EmPleh This message was authored by: EmPleh

Re: Subtitles on UHD Sky Q?

So - just to be clear. You are defending Sky for not offering Subtitles for the programmes that they offer on THEIR platform, which I pay a premium to access, and it is in fact my problem and an issue that I should take up with the BBC?

This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: Subtitles on UHD Sky Q?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@EmPleh wrote:

So - just to be clear. You are defending Sky for not offering Subtitles for the programmes that they offer on THEIR platform, which I pay a premium to access, and it is in fact my problem and an issue that I should take up with the BBC?

To be clear, I'm telling you how things work and not defending sky!


You are forgetting that you also pay the BBC via the TV Licence


In this instance Sky are not offering you a programme with no subtitles it is the BBC that are providing you with their channel via the sky platform


Put it this way if you had a similar issue of Freeview who would you complain to? would it be the mysterious Freeview company (who run the platform) or the channel that you have an issue with?

I am Neurodivergent Sky+HD  LG NanoCell TV  Xbox
My F•A•Qs: Sky GlassSky StreamSky GoSky Plus
This message was authored by EmPleh This message was authored by: EmPleh

Re: Subtitles on UHD Sky Q?

I think the clue is in the name there fella. Freeview is, err, free I reckon? Freeview also doesn't offer a download or recording service I don't think? Are there subtitles out of whack? I am not talking about Freeview I am talking about Sky. I don't use Freeview. 


If Sky are incapable of full integration of BBC programmes then they shouldn't bother. Offer an integrated search feature for BBC shows that then takes you to iPlayer. Just like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney + etc

This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: Subtitles on UHD Sky Q?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


I am Neurodivergent Sky+HD  LG NanoCell TV  Xbox
My F•A•Qs: Sky GlassSky StreamSky GoSky Plus
This message was authored by EmPleh This message was authored by: EmPleh

Re: Subtitles on UHD Sky Q?

Thanks for that. I am quite happy using the below:





This message was authored by Barleyman This message was authored by: Barleyman

Re: Subtitles on UHD Sky Q?

Sky provide the system for other channels to broadcast on the individual channels are responsible for their own programming, sky have no control over what other channels supply


If the BBC don't want to supply subtitles then sky cannot request the do, it is up to you to complain directly to the BBC


Only the BBC will know why there are no subtitles




No, I don't think that is true at all. It's downright silly to say "Sky the major broadcast corporation has literally no-one over BBC to call in case they need to talk shop", really now. 


Whether or not anyone bothers to do so is another thing. I think "picking up the phone/email/Teams/Skype/whatnot and contacting BBC guy" is just too much effort to expect from Sky. It's easier to fob off the customers "You must complain to BBC". 


Now if you're saying that literally nobody at Sky has ever contacted BBC and gone "Hey, how come we don't have subtitles in your VOD streams? Could you fix that for us plz", I'd give it 50/50 chance of being true. If it actually involved having to set up a meeting and investing man hours on it.. 


I guess you also feel we should revise Sky software infra back-end to fix the issue while we're at it? They're not on github though. 

This message was authored by Hurricane+Katrina This message was authored by: Hurricane+Katrina

Re: Subtitles on UHD Sky Q?

We just want a service for disabled folk with the accessibility we deserve this Is DISCRIMINATION !! We shouldn't have to fight for access to subtitles I'm disgusted  as a customer with Sky's outright ignorance of equality and parity of provision 

This message was authored by Hurricane+Katrina This message was authored by: Hurricane+Katrina

Re: Subtitles on UHD Sky Q?

We just want to know these complaints are being acted upon please provide more details of how and where when our customer feedback is discussed or acted upon . 

This message was authored by Hurricane+Katrina This message was authored by: Hurricane+Katrina

Re: Subtitles on UHD Sky Q?

Please provide sky complaints details not BBC as it is your sky service we want to complain about 

This message was authored by EmPleh This message was authored by: EmPleh

Re: Subtitles on UHD Sky Q?

Well said. Thank you. 

This message was authored by DaveAccess This message was authored by: DaveAccess

Re: Subtitles on UHD Sky Q?

Posted by a Sky employee

Hi @EmPleh, @Barleyman and @Hurricane+Katrina
Thanks as always for the messages. I'd like to clear things up as best I can.

We at sky provide the platform and the capability for subtitles on both broadcast and on demand shows, including for third party broadcasters such as BBC. From there, the third party broadcaster does indeed need to implement this and make subtitles available for their shows on our platform.
So yes in that sense, it is the case that it is beyond our direct control if third parties do not add subtitles. On Sky branded channels we have full control.
However I'd like to stress that it not being fully within our control is not to say we don't care or don't work with our partners to increase the availability of subtitles. We absolutely do and will continue to do so.

Sometimes it may be because a company has yet to complete technical work to enable subtitles on their downloadable content, or it may be a case of them simply not providing subs for a given show.
In the case of BBC and the discussion of Line of Duty for example, they have had subtitles on content within the iPlayer app for some time, while it is a more recent development on their Sky catch up service. That appears to be a work in progress, with more recent shows having greater coverage, but we are looking into it.

Regarding Warehouse 13, the SyFy channel currently only supports subtitles on their broadcast content. However their on demand platform is under review and is expected to get subtitles at a later date.

So to sum up; if you have a query or issue in relation to subtitles on a Sky branded channel, please do let us know. If it is on a third party channel, we are also very happy to hear from you and will follow it up, but we generally don't have the direct ability to fix the issue, and so it may additionally be of benefit to contact the broadcaster directly.

This message was authored by ceccarelli This message was authored by: ceccarelli

Re: Subtitles on UHD Sky Q?



The lack of subtitles from Ultra HD content has been an issue for a LONG time. I have paid for Sky Q for almost 2 years now and only after subscribing (with a locked contract for 18 months) I discovered that there were no subtitles for Ultra HD programmes. It looks as if the service will never start. What do you suggest I do? Ask for a part-refund for not being able to view/download anything in Ultra HD?

What is the point for me to pay for the Sky Q service (and the movies, which I did take only because I was told that you offered many movies in Ultra HD)?

After 20y+ with sky, I will cancel as soon as my contract ends and switch to NOW.


This message was authored by EmPleh This message was authored by: EmPleh

Re: Subtitles on UHD Sky Q?

Fair play @DaveAccess  really appreciate you coming back here to provide updates and everything. The worst part about it is - Sky is offering an absolutely stinking service when it comes to subtitles and you have to bare the brunt of it mate. On a Sunday as well. 


For what it's worth, I don't think there is much you could post to make anyone happy now, but thanks for coming back and providing updates 👍

This message was authored by PeteWiFi This message was authored by: PeteWiFi

Re: Subtitles on UHD Sky Q?

I understand why there's variation in the provision of subtitles depending on the source of the channels but I've found the problem is frequently not a program/film/channel issue but a format issue.


The SD and HD versions of content have subtitles, the UHD versions do not.


So we're paying for a premium service and then watching lower quality content just to get the subtitles.


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