Discussion topic: WiFi drop out

This message was authored by paul+macey This message was authored by: paul+macey

WiFi drop out


Hi there, I switched to fibre 3 weeks ago and the WiFi keeps dropping out (only for a few seconds but multiple times per day). Can anyone help please?


I need to get it fixed as it's affecting work (I work from home) and more importantly I keep losing connection on my Zwift rides 🤣.


Thanks, Paul 




Best Answers
This message was authored by jamesn123 This message was authored by: jamesn123 Answer

Re: WiFi drop out

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


Your stats dont show any drop while the hub has been up, so I suspect your problem is WiF interference. Do all your devices suffer drops even ethernet connected ones, or is it just a few?

I am NOT a Sky Employee
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