Discussion topic: Shocking Sky Customer Service!!!!

This message was authored by ryanmilligan128 This message was authored by: ryanmilligan128

Shocking Sky Customer Service!!!!

I have been with sky 3 years and I am honestly fed up with the problems i have had recently with them. to do with my bill. I requested on my TV subscription to be cnacelled on ether 22nd or 27th january as i do not watch TV so what pointless having. I gave plenty of notice for it be cancelled however the agent i spoke to did not cancel it and left no notes on my account. I have spoken to sky several times regarding this and yes they have cancelled but from the 14/02/25 so I am being charged for it in my bill for March which it shouldnt be. I spoke to someone on live chat on the 14/03/25 and they said they have raised a complaint but not heard anything abotu my complaint as agent who raised it said they would listen to the calls but still not heard anything. I am not paying for TV in my Bill for March as should of been cancelled down from janaury.


I have never been treated this way and I need this resolved. I have got the phone calls on my phone showing that I called sky on the 22nd and 27th january and the calls were over 40 minutes long. I honestly want to take this further cause feel I am getting nowhere as everytime I phone in i get through to someone who is fromn India who do not understand my situation and do not bother to put notes on my account.


 How can i take this further and am I am able to requests the transcripts for all the calls I have had from sky as i am within my rights to. 


Please can I get a response from someone at sky. 


Best Answers
This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome Answer

Re: Shocking Sky Customer Service!!!!

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


I would fill in this online form to register a complaint giving dates and times when you originally spoke to them to cancel:



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