Discussion topic: Adverts on Paramount +

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Adverts on Paramount +

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Bigdavejb wrote:

@Mark39 sorry about that new to forum thanks for enlightening me

No apology needed. Just thought you should know!

This message was authored by Hello+Golds This message was authored by: Hello+Golds


hi everybody hi everybody I think you should know there is a way to see Paramount plus by not having any ads unfortunately you have to pay if you've already got prime you can go on the site and look for Paramount plus subscriptions you can a monthly subscription to see Paramount + without any ad so if you've got prime TV on your glass TV just click on prime and you will see it in front of you sky in their wisdom didn't say they could help us to know but why they don't just let you get on with it and why give something one time and take it away another time unfortunately this is the way it is these days. Hope this might help you to watch Paramount plus without any adverts. 

This message was authored by laister This message was authored by: laister

Paramount plus downgraded

Although under contract until October Sky have downgraded my Paramount plus from uhd to basic with adverts.

Apparently this is happening to all accounts and is a money saving cutback.

There is NO way to upgrade, well done Sky.

I suppose Sky will tell us we get it for free but there's nothing free about Sky.

Will be looking around come renewal.

This message was authored by Laing1 This message was authored by: Laing1

Re: Paramount plus downgraded

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@laister wrote:

Although under contract until October Sky have downgraded my Paramount plus from uhd to basic with adverts.

Apparently this is happening to all accounts and is a money saving cutback.

There is NO way to upgrade, well done Sky.

I suppose Sky will tell us we get it for free but there's nothing free about Sky.

Will be looking around come renewal.

@laister your post was moved to a larger thread all about the same thing you may want to read all of the comments in the thread as it was due to Paramount+ changing their subscriptions and adding the basic with ads subscription. It would down to them deciding which would be given as a freebie 

I may be a Sky Superuser but I am still just a Sky customer

Sky Q 2 TB (Silver)Box, 2 Mini boxes since June 2016, all connected by wifi
Sky Broadband Hub/SR203, Sky Ultrafast broadband
Ultimate on Demand, Q Experience/UHD, Sky Sports, Sky Cinema
LG 49SJ 810 V UHD TV, Google Pixel 7 Pro mobile
This message was authored by best+of+the+best This message was authored by: best+of+the+best

Re: Paramount plus downgraded

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@laister wrote:

Although under contract until October Sky have downgraded my Paramount plus from uhd to basic with adverts.

Apparently this is happening to all accounts and is a money saving cutback.

There is NO way to upgrade, well done Sky.

I suppose Sky will tell us we get it for free but there's nothing free about Sky.

Will be looking around come renewal.

@laister ParamountPlus from Sky was the standard subscription ad free now it's Basic with ads there has only been two tiers Sky aren't going to give you the UHD version at £10.99 per month when Sky Cinema is only £10.00

The wording is it's included at no extra cost and the previous offer was worth £7.99 and new offer is £4.99 at no extra cost.

This message was authored by ESW This message was authored by: ESW

Re: Adverts on Paramount +

I fully agree within 7 days my sky glass subscription now has more than limited ads 4.x 90 sec plus ads in 20mins. Changing packages mid contract is a moral breach let alone a contractual breach. Platitudes that it's paramount pulling the strings is yet another excuse that doesn't wash. And dint get me started about the biggest rip off Sky glass. 

This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood

Re: Adverts on Paramount +

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@ESW wrote:

Changing packages mid contract is a moral breach let alone a contractual breach. 

It's permitted by the contract.


Morality is not a contractual obligation.

* * * * * * *

Sky Glass 55" (on ethernet) & two Stream Pucks (one ethernet / one WiFi)
BT Halo 3+ Ultrafast FTTP (500Mbs), BT Smart Hub 2
This message was authored by Bluemcr30 This message was authored by: Bluemcr30

Re: Adverts on Paramount +

Jeez the ads are ridiculous 3 on 5 minutes at times. There is no reason for them to advertise their programs which we have already watched. Be watching less now

This message was authored by Kirsty156 This message was authored by: Kirsty156

Re: Adverts on Paramount +

Vote with your feet.  I'm going to cancel Movies and bin Paramount plus.  I've been watching a box set, but giving up due to the insane amount of ad's which are highly repetitive.  I've recently ditched Prime for the same reason.

This message was authored by Leon83 This message was authored by: Leon83

Ad Skipping

Hoping someone can advise. I've had Sky glass for a few years and I pay for ad skipping. I get paramount as part of my package with sky cinema and I've never had adverts until today and I can't forward them? Is this an issue that will be sorted or something I'm expected to pay for 🙄 


thank you for any info 

This message was authored by lettice This message was authored by: lettice

Re: Ad Skipping

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Leon83 wrote:

Hoping someone can advise. I've had Sky glass for a few years and I pay for ad skipping. I get paramount as part of my package with sky cinema and I've never had adverts until today and I can't forward them? Is this an issue that will be sorted or something I'm expected to pay for 🙄 


thank you for any info 

Moved your post to this ongoing discussion on this.


Sky Stream/Glass ad skipping is not an option for the Paramount+ app.


Have a read of the news article about this change on this community;




Sky Community Superuser. What is a Superuser? Click here to find out
Sky Stream with two pucks (Former Sky Q and Sky+ customer), Sky Ultrafast + using Sky SR203 hub. Sky Protect kit tester.
My good journey to Sky Stream from Sky Q. Click here to read
This message was authored by ESW This message was authored by: ESW

Re: Adverts on Paramount +

With the majority of sky channels either available through free view and those aren't showing nothing but repeats Netflix, Discovery and paramount free add ons were the only real benefit. But to subscribe to get ad free I'm thinking it's time to cut out the middle man and abandon Sky altogether it's got to be cheaper than the nearly £70 a month we are paying for a poor listing on Sky cinema to boot. 
so much for customer loyalty - corporate greed is its biggest undoing and Sky needs to change its business model to one of customer focus. 

This message was authored by ESW This message was authored by: ESW

Re: Adverts on Paramount +

We pay for UHD and sound upgrade for glass but all the live channels are shown as HD and only a select few that stream have UHD downgrading people watching paramount and that pay for UHD are surely being cheated by Sky. As for ad skipping only works for Sky channels that you stream and don't watch live waste of money and going to kick that into touch along with Sky cinema which is full of repeats or B and C rate movies.

This message was authored by Bigdavejb This message was authored by: Bigdavejb

Re: Adverts on Paramount +

 Could  not agree more I will be cutting out sky cinema as well


This message was authored by Spooks1973 This message was authored by: Spooks1973

To many ads on Paramount plus

Now I just started to watch something on the Paramount Plus app which I was halfway through, only 20 minutes left, when an advertisement came on. Ok I thought have I pressed the back button, no the programme came back on. A few minutes later another lot of advertisements came on, this happened a further 3 times before the end of the programme. In total 5 lots of advertisements came on within 20 minutes which I thought is was way to much. After a bit of looking on the internet and forums I found out that this can in on January 21st 2025 and we do not have an option to go ad free, but other streaming services on sky offer this service. Come on sky get your act together as I do not wanna sit there just watching ads all day 


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