Discussion topic: Sky Talk - Compatible internet phones

This message was authored by Wallytharg This message was authored by: Wallytharg

Re: Sky Talk - Compatible internet phones

I had the same problem switching from BT with 4 VoIP  Digital Voice phones. Sky told me they would work - but they don't.  I found this on the internet: " BT VoIP phones generally only work with the BT Smart Hub 2. This is due to BT using a proprietary VoIP (Voice over IP) system called Digital Voice, which requires specific software and configuration that exists only on the Smart Hub 2." I'm no expert but believe this is correct.

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Sky Talk - Compatible internet phones

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Wallytharg wrote:

I had the same problem switching from BT with 4 VoIP  Digital Voice phones. Sky told me they would work - but they don't.  I found this on the internet: " BT VoIP phones generally only work with the BT Smart Hub 2. This is due to BT using a proprietary VoIP (Voice over IP) system called Digital Voice, which requires specific software and configuration that exists only on the Smart Hub 2." I'm no expert but believe this is correct.

You're right. Some BT phones are designed specifically for their Digital Voice platform and aren't compatible with Sky. 

This message was authored by Frances113 This message was authored by: Frances113

Re: Sky Talk - Compatible internet phones

typical clsoed shop arrogant attitude of  amonopolist like Apple , BT tries to make it costly to move.


i have just moved to cut by 50% my monthly bill , BT offers open market rates to new clients but not to existing ones.

so i moved i am not paying 84 pounds a months for broadband + talk agaisnt 45 of sky


This message was authored by Frances113 This message was authored by: Frances113

Re: Sky Talk - Compatible internet phones



i have just moved form BT at 85 per months to sky at 45 broiadband +talk unlimited. ytou can go only pay as you go if you use mainly mobile and cut a further 16 pounds off.


bye bye BT


This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Sky Talk - Compatible internet phones

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Frances113 wrote:


so i moved i am not paying 84 pounds a months for broadband + talk agaisnt 45 of sky


Nor would I. Do just be aware that you may have to switch provider again once your discounted new customer deal ends with Sky.


Incidentally, I renewed with BT this year for rather less than Sky are charging you so really not sure what they were doing with £84 pm!

This message was authored by Frances113 This message was authored by: Frances113

Re: Sky Talk - Compatible internet phones

Thank you Mark39


This message was authored by Frances113 This message was authored by: Frances113

Re: Sky Talk - Compatible internet phones

@Mark39 thank you very much and usefully.

I tested my current 2 units around the house , they work.

When I get the sky modem I will buy a set of 4 units analog with 3 WiFi dependent units.




This message was authored by JohnBrooks1968 This message was authored by: JohnBrooks1968

Re: Sky Talk - Compatible internet phones

Ive just switched over to Sky today, keeping my old number.


This thread has been great, because I now know I need to buy some phones! (I was with BT)

Im pretty sure I got rid of all theose old phones years ago lol

This message was authored by ritz1 This message was authored by: ritz1

Re: Sky Talk - Compatible internet phones

How did you manage to keep your old number?

I was connected today (transferred full fibre from Vodafone) and I was surprised to find they did not transfer my number of zillions of years!

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Sky Talk - Compatible internet phones

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@ritz1 welcome to this customer Community. Providing you asked for your number to be transferred, Sky will do so if they can. However, they do say that its not always possible, so I imagine that's the problem in your case.


See the FAQ section here: https://www.sky.com/help/articles/switching-broadband-provider-switch-to-sky-a

This message was authored by ritz1 This message was authored by: ritz1

Re: Sky Talk - Compatible internet phones

Thanks for your response @Mark39 .


I did manage to get in touch with Sky (a nightmare to get through to a human) and they confirmed they did not put a transfer in request to Vodafone. I double checked and confirmed this with Vodafone, too. Which is strange because I clearly ticked the box when I signed up. Long story short, a friendly customer advisor noted that it happens to many of their customers (i.e., that the transfer request does not get captured by the online form).


After over 1 hour on the phone, bouncing from first line support, to cancellations, to pre-cancellations, to tech team, to cancellations again, etc. they promised to put a 'transfer in' request to Vodafone now. They will update me tomorrow, but I am holding a small basket.


Important to note that they don't see the 'port in' request recorded in their systems, which means they didn't request it in the first place. No wonder many customers lose their numbers.


I'm off to a complain and to OFCOM if they fail to transfer my original number.


This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Sky Talk - Compatible internet phones

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@ritz1 I'm sorry to hear that. Like you I'm not confident that Sky will be able to retrieve the number from Vodafone now that the line with them is no longer active, but good luck nonetheless. If you have the time to update us, I'd be interested in the outcome.

This message was authored by ritz1 This message was authored by: ritz1

Re: Sky Talk - Compatible internet phones


This probably deserves a separate thread, but I managed to get my landline number back from Vodafone...


It is a long story, which unfortunately validated my previous negative experience with Sky's customer support agents (I have spoken to more than 15 agents, 1:15h average call time, 3-4 calls in total, taking me into circles from cancellations, to new contracts, to tech team, to <you name it>). But the important thing is that number portability is doable and if Sky says they cannot transfer in your phone number they have clearly not tried enough, or the agents are not sufficiently trained to resolve anything other than transferring you to the next agent.


There are other aspects that need OFCOM's attention, e.g., that tick box on the on-line order form "Keep existing number" may be broken... but I will get to that gradually, involving the regulator when I receive Sky's final response.

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Sky Talk - Compatible internet phones

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@ritz1 great result. Just a shame that you had to expend so much effort to achieving it. Thanks for the update.


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