Discussion topic: Swapping a Sky+ HD Box

This message was authored by cranfan This message was authored by: cranfan

Swapping a Sky+ HD Box

I know there is quite a lot already posted on this topic, but I just want to be sure before I start. The hard drive has failed on my existing HD box (installed feb 2016), I have purchased a DRX890WL to replace it (new according to the seller, although no remote).
I am proposing to install it as follows:
1) With the mains off, attach power cable, ethernet, 2 satellite leads and hdmi (TV off at mains). This box has no telephone port.
2) Insert the card.
3) Perform a software update by holding down the Back Up button on the top of the box and turning on the box at the mains, etc. (turning the TV on at mains once the update is running)
4) Once the above is complete, pair the card either by running a New Install (from Services) or by following the procedure in Sky Help (by collecting the details from Settings and entering them online or in the app) https://www.sky.com/help/articles/sky-viewing-card-help-activate-plus
My questions:
a) Can I expect the remote from my existing box to work with the new box (with no pairing)?
b) As the DRX890WL was one of the last models manufactured, is it necessary to do a software update?
c) Am I correct to insert the new card before the software update?
d) I'm assuming I can run an ethernet lead from a BT Disc, but if I can't connect with ethernet at what stage will I get prompted to enter a wifi password (presumably I won't be able to go straight to a software update)?
e) Am I correct that a New Install will pair the card, it doesn't get mentioned in the Sky Help (presumably it's intended for their staff to use)? What else will the New Install do?
f) What is the simplest way to pair the card, I have seen some mentions that you just need to connect to the internet?

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This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39 Answer

Re: Swapping a Sky+ HD Box

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@cranfan wrote:

My questions:
a) Can I expect the remote from my existing box to work with the new box (with no pairing)?

b) As the DRX890WL was one of the last models manufactured, is it necessary to do a software update?

Yes, the firmware has been updated since manufacture.
c) Am I correct to insert the new card before the software update?

Not sure that it makes any difference, to be honest.
d) I'm assuming I can run an ethernet lead from a BT Disc, but if I can't connect with ethernet at what stage will I get prompted to enter a wifi password (presumably I won't be able to go straight to a software update)?

Software updates are carried out over the air (via your dish) so an internet connection isn't necessary. 
e) Am I correct that a New Install will pair the card, it doesn't get mentioned in the Sky Help (presumably it's intended for their staff to use)? What else will the New Install do?

I can't say for sure, but it I imagine it sends data about your box and the Viewing Card to Sky
f) What is the simplest way to pair the card, I have seen some mentions that you just need to connect to the internet?

New Install is the simplest. Problems have been reported about pairing a Viewing Card if you don't have an active Sky subscription.


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