Discussion topic: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

This message was authored by Johnao This message was authored by: Johnao

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

I shouldn't beat yourself up too much regarding the equipment. Others who are experiencing exactly the same problem with catch-up as yourself are using a wide range of different equipment and internet providers. There is only one variable that is common to every example cited, and that is SKY. SKY should be sorting this problem asap, but it's probably not on their priority list.

This message was authored by daddybear14 This message was authored by: daddybear14

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Further to my previous post #90 on 12.2.24 this is just a report of recent experiences which would indicate that I think I have solved the problem !!

Following my suspicions about the Sky Mini WiFi connector SD 501 installed in my system I decided to try to reset it rather than just scrap it and replace.

To this end, I unplugged the USB lead from the SD 501 to the Sky box and left it for a few minutes to have bit of a brush and blow to make sure no dust was present before re-plugging it to the Sky box giving it a bit of a "jiggle" to settle it.

The power switches on with the Sky box, but the WiFi was not connected. I did this using the WPS buttons on both router and Mini Connector and........hey presto !! it worked.

We are now back to full speed on downloads and so for now all is back to normal  - fingers crossed it stays that way.

Maybe this idea could work for someone else.

This message was authored by PhoenixBun This message was authored by: PhoenixBun

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

I'm with SKY!

This message was authored by PhoenixBun This message was authored by: PhoenixBun

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Has anyone got a fix for this as I have the same problems and zero sound and tried all the usual things recommended here

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@PhoenixBun wrote:

Has anyone got a fix for this as I have the same problems and zero sound and tried all the usual things recommended here

Can you clarify what issue you're having? 

This message was authored by PhoenixBun This message was authored by: PhoenixBun

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

@Mark39 wrote:

@PhoenixBun wrote:

Has anyone got a fix for this as I have the same problems and zero sound and tried all the usual things recommended here

Can you clarify what issue you're having? 

I've posted my own question but the same as the op. No sound and the box takes forever to respond to the remote. Luckily my daughter has been here to keep unplugging everything which eventually sorts the problem out temporarily, but each morning, it seems, I have the same problem and I can't personally keep unplugging everything to get it up and running again. 

It takes up to an hour to get the Box to come on and respond to the remote to switch on and is delayed for the rest of the day. 

This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@PhoenixBun wrote:

@Mark39 wrote:

@PhoenixBun wrote:

Has anyone got a fix for this as I have the same problems and zero sound and tried all the usual things recommended here

Can you clarify what issue you're having? 

I've posted my own question but the same as the op. No sound and the box takes forever to respond to the remote. Luckily my daughter has been here to keep unplugging everything which eventually sorts the problem out temporarily, but each morning, it seems, I have the same problem and I can't personally keep unplugging everything to get it up and running again. 

It takes up to an hour to get the Box to come on and respond to the remote to switch on and is delayed for the rest of the day. 

Sounds like the box is on its last legs and needs replacing, see Q28 in my Sky Plus FAQ


Please Note: Sky+ is now a legacy service that Sky are replacing with their newer services: Sky Q, Sky Glass and Sky Stream
I am Neurodivergent Sky+HD  LG NanoCell TV  Xbox
My F•A•Qs: Sky GlassSky StreamSky GoSky Plus
This message was authored by Oddie2004 This message was authored by: Oddie2004

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Ask Sky to send a signal to the box.It is possible it just needs an update .i had the same problem and works fine now.Sky are still offering tech assistance to hd+ customers just not replacing the boxes and the reports I have had from friends etc re glass is it is completely useless and they have sent them all back.You can get free Q boxes atmo if you want to upgrade which is the next best option if your box is knackered or try rebooting your hub.


This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Oddie2004 wrote:

Ask Sky to send a signal to the box.It is possible it just needs an update .i had the same problem and works fine now.Sky are still offering tech assistance to hd+ customers just not replacing the boxes and the reports I have had from friends etc re glass is it is completely useless and they have sent them all back.You can get free Q boxes atmo if you want to upgrade which is the next best option if your box is knackered or try rebooting your hub.


That would only fix viewing card issues

I am Neurodivergent Sky+HD  LG NanoCell TV  Xbox
My F•A•Qs: Sky GlassSky StreamSky GoSky Plus

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