Discussion topic: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

This message was authored by Mjt62 This message was authored by: Mjt62

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

So far  accused of many things re skyHD first bbc and itv are stopping standard definition broadcasting so unless skyHd box or above (yes even I remember sky+ before skyHD Boxes) and as sky customer service confirm we no longer make skyHD boxes , but strange after complaining re 9pm until 11.30pm slow catch up yesterday moved to 7ishpm untill 9pm still being told by sky its a coincidence that people across UK have same problem suggest you register a complaint as sky admit untill complaint reaches a given number there is no problems and note sky don't install phoneline or  fibre they use bt/openreach to install and repair ok only virgin install own network city fiber  etc are not bt 

This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Mjt62 wrote:

So far  accused of many things re skyHD first bbc and itv are stopping standard definition broadcasting so unless skyHd box or above (yes even I remember sky+ before skyHD Boxes) and as sky customer service confirm we no longer make skyHD boxes , but strange after complaining re 9pm until 11.30pm slow catch up yesterday moved to 7ishpm untill 9pm still being told by sky its a coincidence that people across UK have same problem suggest you register a complaint as sky admit untill complaint reaches a given number there is no problems and note sky don't install phoneline or  fibre they use bt/openreach to install and repair ok only virgin install own network city fiber  etc are not bt 

I am very sorry @Mjt62  but after re-reading your post several times I am still stuggling to understand the points you are trying to make. 


Maybe it would be clearer if you made each of your points separately and make it clear whether you are complaining about something or just trying to provide supporting evidence or whatever.

This message was authored by CSH123456 This message was authored by: CSH123456

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

It may be just something to do with overloading that it happens in the evening. I'm hoping as people go back to work and probably watch TV less it cures itself. I am getting round it for now by not relying on automatic download for box sets and downloading a few episodes all at once, avoiding evenings.   

This message was authored by mr.tickle This message was authored by: mr.tickle

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@oj01 wrote:

@Oddie2004 Make sure that the engineer is aware of the limitations of your TV before they start doing anything with the dish/LNB.

As @mr.tickle states, the Sky Q box connects to your TV via a HDMI cable. 

Yes very good point! Check FIRST and don't let them touch anything until it's established that you get a picture from the SkyQ box on your TV.

Otherwise without that, the typical sequence of events would be to rip away your existing LNB and Sky+HD box, smash them to pieces and burn and bury them before discovering the problem.

(exaggerating to make the point, but you know it's true LOL) 😉


EDIT: I've just read the later post. If you are not currently using the HDMI port now, it's a slam dunk that SkyQ will not work [without another adaptor you don't currently need to use]. Their assurances (contrary to the facts) that they've made on the telephone are competely null and void.


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This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@mr.tickle wrote:

EDIT: I've just read the later post. If you are not currently using the HDMI port, it's a slam dunk that SkyQ will not work. Their assurances (contrary to the facts) that they've made on the telephone are competely null and void.


@Oddie2004 I agree. 


It sounds as though the adviser's eagerness to get you off the Sky+ platform has blinded them to the facts.

This message was authored by Oddie2004 This message was authored by: Oddie2004

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Thanks for all your advice and I will speak to them on Tuesday but I know what you are saying is correct and they have staff who do not fully understand what I am trying to explain.I can either buy a new tv which is HD or change to Glass and keep the package I am on until the contracts expire in April.They have agreed to honour the current deals but tonight there are no issues with catch up or downloads so may just stick with what I have as I am quite happy with even though it is outdated in this modern world.

This message was authored by KevNewMedia This message was authored by: KevNewMedia Answer

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Posted by a Sky employee

Hello Everyone


Thank you so much for bringing this problem to our attention.


I've raised the issue with our support teams and will update everyone when we have more information.


I've marked the thread as answered, so that people don't need to read the entire thread to get an update.


EDIT 3/1/24: Can you please post who your ISP is?

Community Manager
Topic Author
This message was authored by lesley2957 This message was authored by: lesley2957

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Thank you Kev. I think all of us who are having this problem would like to know if there is a solution.

This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@KevNewMedia wrote:

Hello Everyone


Thank you so much for bringing this problem to our attention.


I've raised the issue with our support teams and will update everyone when we have more information.


I've marked the thread as answered, so that people don't need to read the entire thread to get an update.


I am Neurodivergent Sky+HD  LG NanoCell TV  Xbox
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This message was authored by Oddie2004 This message was authored by: Oddie2004

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Its only 3 weeks for Sky to acknowledge there is an issue which is disgusting customer service.I am having to check settings,network and if connection to on demand says fail or ok mainly in the evening but even though my white light on front of box is on and my internet is all fine there is no guarantee it will be stable for any particular period.It may be weather related  but as so many users are having this issue it does not seem the case.Probably Sky support or tech team needs to do a software upgrade or clear a bug in the system which is causing it to happen same as last year round about the same time so why they are unable to work that out appreciating they have been on reduced staffing levels it is no excuse because I reported it well before the holiday period.

This message was authored by Mackemholic This message was authored by: Mackemholic

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

And suprise suprise it's OFF AGAIN TONIGHT 😞😞😞😞

This message was authored by KevNewMedia This message was authored by: KevNewMedia

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Posted by a Sky employee

Morning Everyone


Our support teams continue to investigate this issue and have asked us to find out who everyone's broadband providers are. Can you post and let me know please?

Community Manager
This message was authored by Mackemholic This message was authored by: Mackemholic

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets


This message was authored by oj01 This message was authored by: oj01

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Mackemholic wrote:


For reference, I'm also with TalkTalk and aren't experiencing slow download issues. 

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This message was authored by CSH123456 This message was authored by: CSH123456

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

I'm with BT


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