28 Dec 2024 02:22 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@Melvyyn wrote:Hi can you advise if you have resolved this yet and if so what do we need to do correct it's getting worse on our sky glass tv
@Melvyyn Unfortunately so far there has not been a fix I have the same issue which, depending on the programme, can be really annoying. Although there has been no indication of a time frame I am aware from the Superusers forum that Sky are trying to find a solution. Lets hope it is not too long 🤞
29 Dec 2024 08:39 PM
Has this issue been resolved.
Sitting down with the family to watch a program to find you have to wait to the next day after someone tried to fast forward the adverts is unacceptable. I have 4 pucks and 900 mbps broadband. All have same issue. Spoiling Christmas!
31 Dec 2024 04:56 PM
Hi, I have the same issue with the watch from start option but I'm not fast forwarding the ads just letting it play through, but sure enough once the live programme ended, it reverted to live TV, meaning I missed the end of the film.
However, a film which I watched for free on 5 Star is now only on Sky Cinema! Is this Sky's tactics to get you to sign up for added packages? Well I'm not falling for it.
31 Dec 2024 06:35 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@NYE25 wrote:
However, a film which I watched for free on 5 Star is now only on Sky Cinema! Is this Sky's tactics to get you to sign up for added packages? Well I'm not falling for it.
Thats not a trick. Clearly for the film broadcast 5 don't have the streaming rights so can't make it available on the 5 app. In additional Sky need to have the rights to take a cloud recording, they can't just take a recording on their servers unless they are legally able to. Unfortunately with films in particular channels only get the TV broadcast rights and not the on-demand rights meaning the only way to watch the film is live or by having a subcsription to the on-demand service that does carry the rights.
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31 Dec 2024 07:28 PM
Or stick with Sky Q, like I bet most of us wish we had and just record it. It was a far better product.
31 Dec 2024 10:09 PM
Why not use a server as a storage area to record programs if a use wants too and they could be then shared other Sky Steam uses and saves Sky doing it or save programs so pause program and hilight the save button and it saves the program for you for later or for how long you want it for.
Once the program ends it starts to wipe its buffer so why it freses when you FF the program, its done it to me too and come off it and going back to the live program playing now.
Saving programs would be better.
31 Dec 2024 11:07 PM
I've left sky now after 15ys or more. I was recommended Sky glass by a Sky salesman as I have a communal Dish. Worst move ever, now I am managing quite well with a firestick.
02 Jan 2025 08:30 PM
I saw the original issue last night whilst watching a programme from the start. I fast-forwarded the ads and ended up back on the live channel with no way to return to the previous programme.
Is there any update on this from Sky? I've emailed viewerr@sky.com.
03 Jan 2025 12:20 AM
And it happened to me tonight. Fortunately the show was on ITVX so I could find it and FF to where I was, but very annoying and would have been more so had it not been available on a streaming platform.
03 Jan 2025 12:39 AM
It has been said, on this thread, that Sky, if asked, will give a £15 per month discount while this problem, and also with the lipsync problems, are being looked into. I can't confirm this as I have cancelled sky. In my opinion, the only good channel they had was Atlantic and I can do without that as the Amazon Firestick has opened a whole new world for me. Worth losing a few channels to get away from Sky glass. Smarter than a Smart tv was the sales pitch, I'm now left with 2 very large and heavy monitors, which I'm still paying for, they are definitely not smarter than any tv. Why doesn't Sky admit they made a mistake with Glass, they should stick to dishes and forget streaming.
03 Jan 2025 12:47 AM
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Discussion topic:Watch from start fast forward issue once broadcast has ended
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This message was authored by TP59This message was authored by:TP59
07 Nov 2024 07:19 AM
Are Sky planning any refunds/discounts for this appalling service?? As nothing seems to be happening apart from the guaranteed direct debits!!
Post 31 of 68
Topic Author
This message was authored by MarkGoldsmithThis message was authored by:MarkGoldsmith
07 Nov 2024 07:57 AM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@TP59 wrote:
Are Sky planning any refunds/discounts for this appalling service?? As nothing seems to be happening apart from the guaranteed direct debits!!
Not sure why they would - it's not a loss of service as you are still able to watch the channels you subscribe it. Bugs for individual features in software/tech platforms happen all the time.
Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer
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Post 32 of 68
This message was authored by TP59This message was authored by:TP59
07 Nov 2024 08:15 AM
When you pay extra for a feature and it's not working then in my opinion it should be refunded.
This issue has been going on far too long.
Post 33 of 68
This message was authored by EmmaB1983This message was authored by:EmmaB1983
08 Nov 2024 10:45 PM
Yes I've got this problem also and it's been going on for a while now. So frustrating, tbh I'm fed up of glass now Ive lost count of how many times Ive started watching something and not watched the end because of this issue.
Post 34 of 68
This message was authored by Katrina2511This message was authored by:Katrina2511
17 Nov 2024 02:24 PM
Is there an update on this issue?
It is still happening and twice now it's done it on a program I was watching which I then cannot find on tv again as not on catch up?!
Post 35 of 68
This message was authored by TFDERRYThis message was authored by:TFDERRY
22 Nov 2024 06:47 PM
Same issue here. I would appreciate a resolution to it before I leave Sky. I don't want to leave as, like a lot of people, its something I have become accustomed to.
Sky glass is hard work.
I'm still paying for the tv so I would like it to do as they said it would when they sold it to me. It's certainly not as smart as a smart tv.
Anyone having problems with lip sync. For over 12 months I've had 5 new routers, (I don't have broadband from Sky), as Sky blamed my ISP, Hyperopic, for the lip sync issues. Now I've wired my connection but that annoying lips moving and no words is horrible still continues.
Post 36 of 68
This message was authored by Shaley1This message was authored by:Shaley1
22 Nov 2024 06:54 PM
I rang them yesterday and immediately got £15 refunded to my account and he told me to ring next month and complain again to get another £15 off, apparently they are trying to resolve it, but don't hold ya breathe
Post 37 of 68
03 Jan 2025 12:49 AM
Bit too much copy and paste 😆
03 Jan 2025 09:42 AM
Yeah, there are always glitches everywhere in life. Unfortunately I bought 2 Sky glass sets with the Watch From Start feature and I was paying to skip adds. I would expect Sky to make sure this feature actually works or give those of us who thinks it's wrong for Sky to charge for services that they cannot deliver. I think you need to experience the long running glitches before you can claim to know how frustrating it is. Some offer of compensation should be given to those affected and have reported the issues with Glass. I strongly believe that I have been sold a product which is Not Fit For Purpose and therefore I will continue to pursue Sky for compensation based on this fact.
2 Firesticks and NO SKY
04 Jan 2025 10:07 PM
This is also happening to me far too often. It will either freeze, go back to the start of the programme or just go to live view. But sure enough if the broadcast has ended you are stuck with one of those options.
08 Jan 2025 04:30 PM
This issue was first raised in September, it's now January, and it's not a minor glitch.
Does this only happen to a small number of users or every puck? I've just ordered my 6th replacement puck and not a single member of the Sky Stream technical team are aware of it, they keep telling me it must be an issue with my broadband and if it was a known issue they would know about it. That concerns me that Sky are not investigating it.
Can you please give us an update on progress, 4 months without an update is unreasonable.