25 Nov 2024 05:17 PM
You would think watching TV would be so simple and frustration free.....................except with Sky puck!
Not only do I get this same problem, but the 'watch from the start' box pops up anywhere between 1/4 of a second from changing channels up to 6 seconds.
It's like the worst video game imaginable. trying to hit the middle button to see what the programme/film is about.
Please Sky, get rid of the 'watch from the start' pop-up or at least give us the chance to cancel it in the settings.
25 Nov 2024 05:39 PM
I agree 👍 I constantly end up on iPlayer, waiting for the pop up, soo frustrating.
Then it takes a while before you can skip the ads, like as if the remote was broken. I'm forever having to reboot. Smarter than a Smart tv, I got well scammed there. I bought 1 Med Glass from Sky at over £1000. I got a large set online, boxed at £200. Glass is the worst system they could have brought out. I now use them as monitors as I cancelled sky and of course the sound bars don't work on the freeview they provide after you disconnect WiFi.
06 Dec 2024 09:34 AM
Yes I'm having the same issue.Im also in Ireland.
major problems trying to find sky f1 races or qualifying if the sky puck does skip to live tv and programs on virgin media
I've read there's a possible update coming to fix this issue.
hopefully it comes soon
(sky stream picks with ad skipping)
06 Dec 2024 11:13 AM
@Chloe-W22 You need to look at ITV too. When watching (for example) I'm a celeb about 30 minutes delayed if we try and fast forward or skip adverts once the live show has finished it seems to crash / lock up and then we are unable to continue watching the show as it hasn't yet appeared on 'catch up' on the ITV app. It's rediculous. All we were getting last night was a message saying 'error please try later' or some such. The sky puck/glass very much still feels like a beta product that's not a patch on Sky Q and we are paying premium prices for it.
15 Dec 2024 08:19 PM
Hi Chloe, it's now been 3 months that this thread has been going on with no one from Sky providing any update. Please advise what steps have been taken to sort this issue out?as it is definitely harming your customer retention and future custom. It is 100% a Sky issue your end.
17 Dec 2024 03:20 PM
@MFoord I have to agree. Why is this taking so much time to resolve? We just missed the first 30 mins of Countdown so selected Watch From The Start. After watching for about 30 minutes, and after the live program had ended, we went to Forward wind the adverts and instead ended up watching the live program that followed, and impossible to get back.
I am sticking with Stream because I see it's potential but my wife hates it for this and other problems with the system and wants us rid of it and I am now struggling to justify it.
Please whoever is involved in programming STOP bringing in new developments and GET the existing system working smoothly!
17 Dec 2024 08:26 PM
To me there seems to be two solutions. When you watch a program from start you also need to add it to your play list so when it skips forward to live tv, which it will, you can then go to the play list, that's if you remember the episode number, and watch it. I've started writing them down. Is this really better than a smart tv, not a chance. In buying this Glass tv I fell for the lies told to sell it. The other option is to leave Sky, I chose this option. Don't be conned by thinking NOW tv would be a decent compromise, 8 shy channels for £9.99 per month and owned by Sky. I have had my medium and large Glass tvs 2 yrs, 2 yrs of complaints. Now I'm left with 2 heavy monitors which cost in total over £2300 and I still have 2 yrs repayments on these. I feel that I was seriously mislead with the sales pitch. My sky goes off next week. I've got Fire sticks now to use, I just need to see how good these monitors work without sky.
19 Dec 2024 10:18 PM
It's December, and its still an issue. I suggest you employ a new team as they have not sorted it out yet
19 Dec 2024 11:33 PM
First time sky users and so far not impressed!
Seemed like a great feature to have the watch from start button
But then when using Watch from start once the broadcast has ended it skips forward to the next live show and you can not watch the rest of the programme
There's so many shows that I have only seen half of!
Why offer the feature of watching from the start if you can't watch it all, might as well just watch from half way through as that's all you seem to get to watch anyway
20 Dec 2024 04:48 PM
Posted by a Sky employeeHi there, I’ve escalated your post to our Community Messaging team who will invite you to a private chat shortly and help you with this.
Just look out for the colourful bubble to start the conversation.
Here's more information on how Community Messaging works - https://helpforum.sky.com/t5/Did-you-know/Escalating-a-post-to-a-Sky-expert/ba-p/3711147
26 Dec 2024 10:00 PM
I am also having the same problem "watch a program from star" then try to fast forward when adverts on, only to go back to the start or it freezers and goes back to live tv. So frustrating
27 Dec 2024 01:26 PM
Was just watching Tom Hanks 'Big'. on watch from start as we missed the start. Got to about 30 mins from the end and yup it skipped on to live tv which was horse racing. Unable to find it anywhere to watch the last bit. Considering the movie was on ITV1 i assume it would be on ITVX but nope, nothing. Its on prime video and Disney+ but i cant justify paying to watch the last half hour of a movie that i was watching for free. This really needs to be sorted out.
Oh and dont even think about a price increase in the near future.
28 Dec 2024 12:08 AM
Sky Glass is horrendous. Been with Sky 15 years now I loved the Q but Glass is terrible. It
ruined so many nights of what should great family nights over this Christmas period. Can't believe I'm paying extra for fast forward when it's no use if the program has finished live. What a shambles and has been going on for so long.
28 Dec 2024 07:48 AM
Hi can you advise if you have resolved this yet and if so what do we need to do correct it's getting worse on our sky glass tv
28 Dec 2024 09:26 AM
Suffering from this issue too. Sky really need to sort it out - very frustrating