Discussion topic: Watch from start fast forward issue once broadcast has ended

This message was authored by TP59 This message was authored by: TP59

Re: Watch from start fast forward issue once broadcast has ended

Are Sky planning any refunds/discounts for this appalling service?? As nothing seems to be happening apart from the guaranteed direct debits!!

Topic Author
This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Watch from start fast forward issue once broadcast has ended

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@TP59 wrote:

Are Sky planning any refunds/discounts for this appalling service?? As nothing seems to be happening apart from the guaranteed direct debits!!

Not sure why they would - it's not a loss of service as you are still able to watch the channels you subscribe it. Bugs for individual features in software/tech platforms happen all the time.

Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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This message was authored by TP59 This message was authored by: TP59

Re: Watch from start fast forward issue once broadcast has ended

When you pay extra for a feature and it's not working then in my opinion it should be refunded.


This issue has been going on far too long.

This message was authored by EmmaB1983 This message was authored by: EmmaB1983

Re: Watch from start fast forward issue once broadcast has ended

Yes I've got this problem also and it's been going on for a while now.  So frustrating, tbh I'm fed up of glass now Ive lost count of how many times Ive started watching something and not watched the end because of this issue. 

This message was authored by Katrina2511 This message was authored by: Katrina2511

Re: Watch from start fast forward issue once broadcast has ended

Is there an update on this issue? 

It is still happening and twice now it's done it on a program I was watching which I then cannot find on tv again as not on catch up?! 

This message was authored by TFDERRY This message was authored by: TFDERRY

Re: Watch from start fast forward issue once broadcast has ended

Same issue here. I would appreciate a resolution to it before I leave Sky. I don't want to leave as, like a lot of people, its something I have become accustomed to.

Sky glass is hard work.

I'm still paying for the tv so I would like it to do as they said it would when they sold it to me. It's certainly not as smart as a smart tv. 

Anyone having problems with lip sync. For over 12 months I've had 5 new routers, (I don't have broadband from Sky), as Sky blamed my ISP, Hyperopic, for the lip sync issues. Now I've wired my connection but that annoying lips moving and no words is horrible still continues. 

This message was authored by Shaley1 This message was authored by: Shaley1

Re: Watch from start fast forward issue once broadcast has ended

I rang them yesterday and immediately got £15 refunded to my account and he told me to ring next month and complain again to get another £15 off, apparently they are trying to resolve it, but don't hold ya breathe 

This message was authored by TFDERRY This message was authored by: TFDERRY

Re: Watch from start fast forward issue once broadcast has ended

I was watching a movie using the Watch From Start feature. I added it to my watch list incase it jumps to live tv. Good job, I thought as it did jump and I missed the end. It was on Alibi, I had it in my watch list and went to watch it later to find that it was only available on Sky Movies. I don't have Sky movies 😕 bit of a scam.

This message was authored by TFDERRY This message was authored by: TFDERRY

Re: Watch from start fast forward issue once broadcast has ended

Thank you 😊 

This message was authored by TP59 This message was authored by: TP59

Re: Watch from start fast forward issue once broadcast has ended

I have the sky Puck and if going in to settings and picture and sound you can alter lip sync, not sure if glass is the same.

Hope this helps.

This message was authored by Fee20 This message was authored by: Fee20

Re: Watch from start fast forward issue once broadcast has ended

I have the same problem when watching from the playlist, if I go to fast forward it will go back to the start once I press play, and also watching I'm a celeb unpacked it keeps stopping half way through and then the episode we were currently watching isn't available until the next night 

This message was authored by TFDERRY This message was authored by: TFDERRY

Re: Watch from start fast forward issue once broadcast has ended

Thank you for your response. I just wish it was that simple. Yes Sky did come up with a solution for the lip sync but unfortunately it hasn't worked for long, that was 18 months ago. Go to settings, Picture and sound, go to sound then to Digital Audio Output choose PCN Stereo. Hasn't worked for me. 

This message was authored by Ensor1983 This message was authored by: Ensor1983

Re: Watch from start fast forward issue once broadcast has ended

Just signed up to sky stream this week and experiencing the same issues. Just missed Q3 of the vegas F1 due to this rubbish. Already thinking of cancelling the service as we are within our cooling off period. It's a joke. 

This message was authored by TFDERRY This message was authored by: TFDERRY

Re: Watch from start fast forward issue once broadcast has ended

I'm sorry I took on Sky Glass. Apart from the obvious issues I have bought my Sky Glass tv over 4 years, 2 yrs later it's out of warranty. Sky has blamed everything that goes wrong with the service on others, like my ISP, I have now proved it's not that. Once they realised I was out off warranty they blamed the Set and offered to send an engineer out,  at an extortionate price, to check the tv, I declined as the word on here shows clearly the issue is SKY!! Of it's not top late then Avoid, Avoid, Avoid or you will spend your time complaining to Sky and chasing up your issues on forums. 

This message was authored by TFDERRY This message was authored by: TFDERRY

Re: Watch from start fast forward issue once broadcast has ended

If it's not too late then I would stay clear of Sky Glass.


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