Discussion topic: Sky sports plus, rugby league .

Topic Author
This message was authored by Leo This message was authored by: Leo

Re: Sky sports plus, rugby league .

Yes, I watched that, same problem and I have sky superfast broadband so they can't blame anyone else, I also pay a monthly fee for HD which has gone on streamed games, I feel that sky think if they keep repeating the same message then it'll all blow over.

This message was authored by SiMSiM79 This message was authored by: SiMSiM79

Re: Sky sports plus, rugby league .

Same here.  I spoke to Sky, again, couple of days ago,  told the chap that the app is not broadcasting in HD and he was totally surprised.  He said all sports are in HD ???

I also mentioned that they are advertising that we can watch EVERY mens superleague match and we actually can't.  He said it means that the matches are available to watch but I wasn't backing down and it actually says we can watch them all, which is physically impossible!!   Lots of freezing on tonight's game!

This message was authored by David51157 This message was authored by: David51157

Re: Sky sports plus, rugby league .

Watching Hull v Castleford on Sky sports+ and here we go again, constantly buffers and freezes, is this the standard that Sky expect customers to accept? Is this the best Sky can do ? 

This message was authored by David51157 This message was authored by: David51157

Re: Sky sports plus, rugby league .

Had enough....can't watch anymore. 

This message was authored by David51157 This message was authored by: David51157

Re: Sky sports plus, rugby league .

Just watched Catalans v Wigan. No buffering, no picture problems, sound was perfect. This is how all games should be transmitted and  what Sky customers deserve, not Streamed  on Sky Sports +......

Simple. Do it !

This message was authored by SiMSiM79 This message was authored by: SiMSiM79

Re: Sky sports plus, rugby league .

Absolutely ! We have been robbed!

This message was authored by alahan This message was authored by: alahan

Re: Sky sports plus, rugby league .

Surely this is a breach of contract. Rugby league is the main reason I have sky sports. 

Topic Author
This message was authored by Leo This message was authored by: Leo

Re: Sky sports plus, rugby league .

It's the only reason I have sky at all, they are taking us for granted.

This message was authored by David51157 This message was authored by: David51157

Re: Sky sports plus, rugby league .

5 minutes and 20 seconds in to London v Leeds and guess? .........

some great buffering and freezing just as , I think, a try is scored.....

Thanks Sky....this is great!!!!!!

This message was authored by David51157 This message was authored by: David51157

Re: Sky sports plus, rugby league .

Given up.......can't watch Super League with constant picture buffering,  off for a walk. 


This message was authored by SKY1992bf This message was authored by: SKY1992bf

Re: Sky sports plus, rugby league .

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@alahan wrote:

Surely this is a breach of contract. Rugby league is the main reason I have sky sports. 

@alahan  what is?


I'm pretty sure skys lawyers have ensured that wouldn't be the case 

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This message was authored by graceland22 This message was authored by: graceland22

Re: Sky sports plus, rugby league .

Some of the presenters will be twitching now with regards to their jobs, as SS+ does not include any build up and only shows a stupid screen during half time, so there will be no need for them.

Sky could solve it by putting SS+ re-runs on the linear channels during the night instead of old SL short re-runs and old boxing / NFL etc re-runs and then we could record them.

Looking into the future will NRL, SANZAR Rugby Union, 4 nations Rugby Union all transfer to SS+ and you will have to get up in the wee small hours to watch?

Have Sky Glass customers lost acess to this kind of stuff which is only shown on the linear channels or is it shown live somwhere on SS+?  


This message was authored by graceland22 This message was authored by: graceland22

Re: Sky sports plus, rugby league .

The Sportsman You Tube channel is an alternative to watch / catch up RL, including League One.

This message was authored by Romance This message was authored by: Romance

Re: Sky sports plus, rugby league .

So sat down to watch Warrington Wolves tonight, after looking forward to it all day I can't tell you how gutted and seriously frustrated I was by the coverage of the game on Sky Sports +

Most of the game coverage was rubbish, very stop/start and juddering, it just kills the enjoyment of watching the game.

Sky Sports + is a disaster, either sort it or scrap it Sky 

This message was authored by kentsaint This message was authored by: kentsaint

Re: Sky sports plus, rugby league .

So errr.....


The playoffs (and I assume the GF too) aren't available live on superleague+ in the UK.




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