Discussion topic: Sky Stream pic pixelating and freezing.

This message was authored by JLB01 This message was authored by: JLB01

Re: Sky Stream pic pixelating and freezing.

Same here.

Over Christmas strugled to watch hardly any live TV.

Our solution is to switch to "watch from start" and then watch on "catch up"

Seems to work 

This message was authored by ljmm1967 This message was authored by: ljmm1967

Re: Sky Stream pic pixelating and freezing.

Has anybody had the box flicker between a black screen and the main page. I have started getting that and have to turn off and back on to get main screen. 

This message was authored by Shelley661 This message was authored by: Shelley661

Re: Sky Stream pic pixelating and freezing.

We have watching on catch up as that appears to work. 
trying to watch the darts last night was a mare, constantly out of sync and juddering.

have reset, juddering switched kn, which is suppose to work, but doesn't appear so when it's live television. 

This message was authored by Mark-Soton-1966 This message was authored by: Mark-Soton-1966

Re: Sky Stream pic pixelating and freezing.

Only Had Sky Stream for a week and this seems to be an issue. I have 150Mps Broadband, hardwired the puck to the internet and still get the issue., sometime just goes completely blank. Watching the same feed on sky go via an iPad on WiFi with no issue. Sky stream puck is probably the issue I guess. I have swapped all cables and used different HDMI ports on my TV (That previously worked error free)

This message was authored by KevDon This message was authored by: KevDon

Re: Sky Stream pic pixelating and freezing.

Yeah it's definitely buggy, mine will work fine for days or more then all of a sudden its a pixelated mess and has to be reset. It's fine then so definitely the puck. 

This message was authored by Cpgs23 This message was authored by: Cpgs23

Re: Sky Stream pic pixelating and freezing.

Hi, have been struggling with the pixelation and freezing all day. Tried different connection methods WiFi & Ethernet. Have tried restarting and resetting the device. I then felt the pick and discovered it was quite warm. Unplugged it for a few minutes to allow it to cool down before turning it back on. This far all the issues have been fixed 👍


This (on my device) appears to be a simple overheating issue 🤷‍♂️ Hopefully this is helpful for others 🤞

This message was authored by DeliveryMan This message was authored by: DeliveryMan

Re: Sky Stream pic pixelating and freezing.

Watching "From" on sky max tonight. Had to reboot the puck twice because of pixelation 

This message was authored by Ajac This message was authored by: Ajac

Re: Sky Stream pic pixelating and freezing.

We have had this and told sky several times they deny its happening before Christmas we had the internet checked out as sky deny its happening. When it carried on happening after this they sent a new puck out exchange at door. We did that and it can still happen on new puck. We told sky look at your forum its not just us. Sky don't seem to look at this as their claim is everything is fine at our end,it's got to be yours. Yes when it happens it requires restart of puck. Sky won't do anything as they believe its not happening.  The problem occurred from the middle of October up till then everything had been fine.  Sky do not monitor this forum 

This message was authored by Dannyboy2025 This message was authored by: Dannyboy2025

Re: Sky Stream pic pixelating and freezing.

Have bt fibre 900 meg and just installed the pucks skys freezing randomly and picture quality is pixalating surely this aint right 

This message was authored by ljmm1967 This message was authored by: ljmm1967

Re: Sky Stream pic pixelating and freezing.

Yes and I have to turn it off and back on again to clear it. We also had an issue trying to watch a recording of seal team season 6 last night. It started then froze with the waiting to load message. It's hardwired and internet was working great. I think something on the pucks internal circuitry is failing and that's why we're all having so many different issues. 

This message was authored by Shelley661 This message was authored by: Shelley661

Re: Sky Stream pic pixelating and freezing.

Since lthe PUK has been changed it still Pixelates on live TV mainly, annoying when trying to watch the rugby or football or darts !! 

sync issues still happens but not as frequent as it did on the previous PUK.


Never had issues with pixelating or sync issues when I had a box, which would suggest it's an issue with how the puks have been designed to stream from the base router. 

not sure how sky can say it's not a PUK issues with so many people having the same issue 🤷‍♀️



This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Sky Stream pic pixelating and freezing.

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Shelley661 wrote:

Since lthe PUK has been changed it still Pixelates on live TV mainly, annoying when trying to watch the rugby or football or darts !! 

sync issues still happens but not as frequent as it did on the previous PUK.


Never had issues with pixelating or sync issues when I had a box, which would suggest it's an issue with how the puks have been designed to stream from the base router. 

not sure how sky can say it's not a PUK issues with so many people having the same issue 🤷‍♀️



It's a Puck. 


The fact that your replacement Puck behaves in much the same way as the original suggests the problem lies elsewhere. Mine, over wifi using a standard ISP provided router has no problem with pixelation, freezing or poor synch. 

This message was authored by Shelley661 This message was authored by: Shelley661

Re: Sky Stream pic pixelating and freezing.

Sorry didnt realise was being spell checked!! 

something must be going on as so many people are having the same issue. 

This message was authored by DeliveryMan This message was authored by: DeliveryMan

Re: Sky Stream pic pixelating and freezing.

I'm convinced it's the Puck. It feels cheap and its just not up to the job

This message was authored by KevDon This message was authored by: KevDon

Re: Sky Stream pic pixelating and freezing.

Definitely the puck, mine will work fine for days then all of a sudden its a mess. A speed test shows my WiFi is fast and stable. Plus of course it'll work perfectly fine after a reboot....for a while. If it was maybe a blip in my WiFi surely the puck would sort itself out if left long enough but it doesn't, only a reboot will sort. 


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